The Starmtroopers are getting their excuses in early
It's 4+ years until the next election and Labour controls a massive parliamentary majority, but Starmtroopers have already decided that they will lose the next election, and the left will be to blame!
After less than half a year in power Labour’s approval ratings are in the toilet, and Rachel Reeves austerity shock therapy has reversed GDP growth and put Britain onto recession watch.
Meanwhile rumours abound that the left are going to try to form a new political party early next year, with the hope of soaking up dissatisfied Labour voters, and building towards a genuine alternative to Starmer’s pro-austerity, pro-privatisation, socially illiberal bastardisation of the Labour Party.
Predictably the Starmtroopers are silent on Starmer and Reeves’ failings, and spitting feathers at the left.
They’re insisting that if Starmer loses the next election to Farage and the Tories, it’ll be the left’s fault, not their own!
Their egos won’t allow them to admit their own roles in it, but they can see the Starmer project is already falling apart at the seams.
Not least the senseless attacks on crucial demographics (workers, pensioners, families, traditional Labour voters …) and for what?
To watch Rachel Reeves grind the economy into reverse, despite having cited the need for "growth" as her entire reasoning for attacking families and pensioners in the first place, before she launches into yet another economically debilitating round of austerity cutbacks.
If it’s this much of a failing and unpopular mess after a little over five months, how bad is it going to be after another four years of this shit?
It’s as if they’re in denial about the fact that Labour has an exceedingly rare parliamentary mega-majority with which it could give the public what it wants over the next four years, because they know that’s not going to happen with Starmer and Reeves at the helm.
Deep down they know that their beloved leaders are just as enthusiastic about the socially and economically ruinous agendas of privatisation profiteering and austerity ruination as any Tory, so the easy way out is to get their excuses in early.
So they’re already insisting that when Labour collapses at the next general election, it won’t be their own faults for failing to make material improvements to ordinary people’s lives, it’ll be entirely the fault of a political party that doesn’t even exist yet!
Probably the most absurd thing about this preemptive excuse-making is that the left are just doing exactly what the Starmtroopers told them to do.
Starmer and his goons decided to force Jeremy Corbyn out of the Labour Party; Starmer and his goons rigged internal elections against the left and purged thousands of party members on trumped up charges; and Starmer himself said "leave if you don’t like it".
Labour has purged huge numbers of left-leaning political activists, and they’re busy driving away millions of traditional Labour voters with their Thatcherite economic agenda, and with their stupid and callous attacks on ordinary people.
Starmer is the one who ripped up his leadership election pledge to deliver "party unity" in favour of stitching everything up in favour of the profoundly unlikeable Labour-right; Starmer’s the one who decided that Labour doesn’t need to be a "broad church" anymore; and Starmer’s the one who told traditional Labour supporters to leave.
But somehow it’s the people he’s purged, marginalised, and told to leave who are at fault for Labour’s seemingly inevitable future election woes, despite having zero political power in comparison to Labour’s huge parliamentary majority, and despite not even having formed a coherent political grouping yet!
It’s not just the stupidity of telling your own party’s supporters to ‘piss off’ and implementing a load of policies that are seemingly designed to lose Labour the next election, it’s the utter entitlement of expecting people to keep voting for them despite making their contempt and antipathy so obvious, and then getting angry at the mere concept of people potentially voting for an as-yet hypothetical political party that might actually offer them things they actually want, instead of deliberately spitting in their faces.
Then there’s the complete lack of accountability too.
It’s not our fault we’re wasting away the rare opportunity of a vast Labour Party parliamentary majority; it’s not our fault we’re deliberately making ourselves unpopular and openly telling the public that things are going to get worse under our leadership; it’s not our fault we’re continuing Tory austerity ruination rather than reversing it; it’s not our fault we’re at odds with our own party membership and the general public alike; it’s not our fault we don’t have any plan beyond tinkering around the edges of "more of the same". Actually it’s all the fault of this rag-tag bunch of leftists who are so disorganised that they haven’t even formed a political party yet!
The lack of self-reflection and accountability is palpable.
There’s absolutely no admission of their own roles in any of this, nor any intention to work towards changing course before it’s too late.
It’s so much easier for them to meekly accept that disaster is inevitable under Starmer’s leadership, and identify their convenient scapegoats before they even properly exist yet!
And by choosing the latter rather than the former, they’re proving exactly what kind of people they are.
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