The forgotten victims of September 11th
An article about the brutal September 11th 1973 coup in Chile, the spread of neoliberalism, and US complicity with terrorism. [Repost of an article from the original AAV blog]
Since the atrocities in 2001, the date September 11th has become a national day of mawkish commemoration in the United States, despite the fact that the same kind of extreme Islamist terrorists who attacked the World Trade Center are still wreaking havoc across Europe and the Middle East, largely thanks to the US invasion of Iraq that followed 9/11 and ended up creating the biggest lawless terrorism breeding ground on earth.
It would take an extremely blinkered view of history to not know that in the 1980s the US actually funded, supplied and trained the Islamists in Afghanistan who eventually became Al Qaida, while they were portrayed by western capitalist media outlets as "brave freedom fighters" against the tyranny of the Soviet occupation.
It would take more historical ignorance/revisionism to fail to realise that the US intervened to fight alongside Islamist militias in Kosovo in the late 1990s. This support for Islamist fanatics was provided several years after the first Al Qaida attack on the World Trade Center in 1993!
And it would take a severe level of self-deception to deny that the September 11th terrorist attacks were "blowback" from the United States' foreign policy tactics from the mid 20th Century onward.
Over the space of just a few years Al Qaida morphed from US funded and supported allies in places like Afghanistan and Kosovo into supposedly the greatest ever threat to American freedom in history.
A threat that has been used to impose all kinds of unconstitutional and totalitarian attacks on the liberties of American citizens (and citizens of the rest of the world) such as the "Patriot" Act and the incredible expansion of NSA spying activities.
This rapid conversion of Al Qaida from US allies to dangerous terrorists was bizarre enough, but the 9/11 remembrance ceremonies in 2013 were marred by the fact that the US government were straining at the leash to actually help Islamist terrorists in Syria by bombing the Syrian government and creating yet another Iraq style power vacuum for them to thrive in.
Just 12 years after the 9/11 attacks and the US administration were assuming the American public to be so gullible and compliant that they would accept the US openly siding with the same kind of Islamist terrorists as those who perpetrated the 9/11 attacks, and who had killed inordinately more innocent civilians in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya and in terrorist atrocities across Europe too.
It’s hard to conceive the extreme ignorance and gullibility that was necessary for the American public to accept the US political establishment openly siding with Al Qaida and other extreme Wahabi Islamist terrorist groups in Syria, simply because their terrorist activities there coincides with American imperialist interests.
This same ignorance and self-delusion is also on display in the fact that so many Americans still believe the absurd narrative that "America fights for freedom and democracy across the World" while they simultaneously arm and bankroll the apartheid state of Israel to annihilate the established conventions of war, repeatedly attack their neighbours, and commit genocide against the Palestinians.
One of the clearest demonstrations of the American determination to actually undermine and destroy freedom and democracy came in Chile after a US-backed military coup that took place on September 11th 1973.

This coup marked the birth of the toxic neoliberal ideology pushed by the Chicago school pseudo-economists.
In 1973 neoliberalism was a fringe anti-communist economic ideology supported by virtually nobody. Today this bankrupt pseudo-economic gibberish has become the global economic orthodoxy adhered to by almost all political parties in the West, and enforced across the globe by the machinery of the IMF, the World Bank and the World Trade Organisation.
To say that neoliberalism had a painful birth in Chile would be an understatement. The man that the neoliberals backed in Chile was a brutal dictator called General Pinochet.
During his dictatorship over 3,000 people were "disappeared" (captured and tortured to death) whilst another 28,000 were detained without trial, most of them suffering torture and in many cases sexual abuse too.
Aside from those tortured and killed and the families that survived them, other victims of this brutal US backed dictatorship included protesters that were burned alive in the streets by the police and musicians who had their fingers broken before being machine gunned to death.
This brutal and oppressive Chilean regime was supported by the US administration because to successive American governments and their corporate backers, right-wing military dictatorship, imprisonment without trial, torture, rape and extrajudicial killings were an insignificant price to pay when it came to securing access to the Chilean economy so that it could be used as a playground for the neoliberal pseudo-economists from the Chicago School, and opened up for exploitation by US corporations.

The Chilean regime was part of the US financed Operation Condor, which was a plan to control the population of the southern cone of South America through the instillation of brutal right-wing military dictatorships.
The members of this anti-democratic group were the Pinochet military dictatorship in Chile, the Stroessner dictatorship in Paraguay, the Banzer military dictatorship in Bolivia, the Brazilian military dictatorship that lasted from 1964 to 1985 and the 12 year military dictatorship in Uruguay.
Undoubtedly the most brutal members of Operation Condor were the US backed Argentine Junta that joined in 1976, after the military coup against Isabel Perón.
The US backed military dictatorship in Argentina was yet another playground for the radically right-wing Chicago school neoliberal pseudo-economists.
Whilst the US-backed military dictatorship were busy murdering an estimated 30,000 Argentine civilians and torturing countless thousands more, "the Chicago Boys" were imposing their favoured economic ideology (deregulation, mass privatisation, lax tax enforcement, massive tax cuts for the rich, regressive tax hikes for the poor and ordinary, destruction of welfare provision, revocation of rights and liberties, wage repression ... ), resulting in poverty and chaos for millions of Argentines.
The state terrorism of this savage regime meant that few people dared to speak out against this US-backed economic vandalism.
Some of the favoured tactics of the Argentine junta included torture, extrajudicial killings, throwing people out of aeroplanes without parachutes (death flights) and the kidnapping of pregnant women in order to steal their babies to give to supporters of the regime, after which the mothers were executed without trial.
In the late 1970s the US and the Argentine junta collaborated in "Operation Charly" to export their model of brutal right-wing dictatorship to Central America (Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala) and in 1980 the Argentine junta, the US administration and the Nazi war criminal Klaus Barbie collaborated to assist the "Cocaine Coup" in Bolivia which installed Luis García Meza.
Meza was another brutal dictator and upon his instillation in power he immediately outlawed all political parties, exiled opposition leaders, banned trade unions, silenced the press and oversaw the murder of over 1,000 people in just 13 months in power.
The 51st anniversary of the US backed military coup in Chile will pass virtually unnoticed in the United States, and great swathes of the public will continue to believe the comforting lies that the US has a history of promoting democracy and freedom, rather than a demonstrable history of deliberately and callously undermining and destroying them.
The millions of victims of the vile US backed Latin American dictatorships are not the only people that should be remembered on September the 11th.
The countless global victims of the vile "greed is a virtue" neoliberal pseudo-economic ideology devised by the Chicago Boys, supported by the US government, and born in Chile on this day in 1973 are also just as worthy of remembrance as the victims of the September 2001 atrocities.
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I think it would take a severe level of self-deception to believe the official narrative of 9-11, that it was 'blowback', I mean.
You have correctly described an uninterrupted cooperation between America/CIA and Al Qaeda, starting with Operation Cyclone in 1979. And yet, are you seriously asking your readers to believe that 9-11 was the one blip on an otherwise unblemished historical record of association between CIA and Al Qaeda (and all its offshoots)?
That strikes me as what they now call 'cognitive dissonance'.
Perhaps it's that you are scared of being labelled as a 'conspiracy theorist'? Well, I would say that's pure cowardice. Place that cowardice against your responsibility and duty to wake people up and fully inform them about the evil monsters who have always been in charge of America (and, well, Britain too for that matter). It is totally naive and gullible to believe the monsters' version of 9-11 - to think that on this one occasion they were the 'victims' and 'the good guys', and that they wouldn't stoop to murdering 'their own' citizens/subjects in order to provide a pretext to murder millions of others.
And not just with war - with neoliberalism too. You have ably described the evil of neoliberalism, after all. Although you should remember that neoliberalism was never an 'economic' system - it is a system of social control (through enforced scarcity, especially of money) and exploitation, dressed up to look like an economic system.
So you just have to look at the evil things these monsters do in order to perpetuate their neoliberal system.
It would be psychologically unbelievable indeed if the official narrative of 9-11 was in any way true. We're talking about evil monsters here. And for evil to flourish, it only takes good people to do and say nothing. Being called a 'conspiracy theorist' - and by evil monsters themselves, ironically - is a small price to pay, and should not be seen as a deterrent to telling the truth and motivating people.
Aside from that one blip, I thought your article was both brilliant and timely.
Yes, this where it began, and how it has continued ever since. Remember Thatcher's sinister threat: "There is no alternative".