I agree it is rank hypocrisy AVV. I also think we need to start building a mass socialist party that is an alternative to Labour. A few thoughts on that question here: https://theleftlane2024.substack.com/p/whats-the-best-way-to-challenge-farage

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Well said, I truly hope Starmer loses the vote in his constituency!

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Nearly everyone I know in my totally Conservative area that has told me their opinion is, it seems, going to vote Labour, except, as far as I can see, the Labour Party under Starmer is no longer Labour. I don’t know what it is but it’s not the Labour Party my hardworking and mostly poverty stricken past relatives voted and fought for.

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I feel that Dianne Abbott's letter, triggering as it was for some, a convenient excuse for others, was not as bad as you say, yes it might have been a bit less direct but it surely reflects reality - I think of two girlfriends I had as a young man, one Jewish one black. The former attracted zero comments the latter got frequent racist remarks, no less vile for being casually made.

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With Rishi hanging on to Tory’s leadership we’ve can see that they’ve at least bested Labor in this regard.

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