Take care.

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Good to know that you are feeling better and its good to know that you are back on line, looking forward to reading about your thoughts.;

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Not only no need for excuses - no need to apologise either.

Very much looking forward to forthcoming analyses.

I'd be quite interested to see what you can discover about why N2O has been so low on the radar up until recently. Because it clearly shouldn't have been.

Meanwhile supermarkets have been selling squirty cream (canned whipping cream) for decades and purveyors of what seem to be called cream chargers have in some cases marketed their products as 'low carbon'.

But don't go there if you don't want to Tom!

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Keep up the good work when you are ready.

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Could you write about the imminent fall of the EU and the break up of Ukraine,

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Cut the Supply of Arms to Both sides.! But it Wont Happen because the US would go Bankrupt.

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So sorry you’re feeling that way but it’s great to see you back. There’s no need to explain everything that’s been going on is more than enough for anyone I can’t even cope with listening to news lately it’s just awful. Hoping you feel better and I’d be interested to read more about the EU, the rising right yet the possible demise of Le Penn (particularly of interest to me as I live in France). Also the gap between the UKs push back on closer links with the EU and how that’s panning out

Take care

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I always think that if you're going to report on a problem, you should report on a possible solution to it. Otherwise you're just amplifying negativity and despair. It's my belief that all the solutions are already documented somewhere, just not widely, and journalists owe it to their reader to surface these new ideas, theories, ideologies, technologies which are often ignored as they don't support the mainstream narrative. E.g. what are the proven successful alternatives to austerity and privatisation?

But yeah don't worry about not publishing, we all need a break now and then!

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Your work has always been enlightening and engaging. Hope your circumstances improve.

I particularly appreciated your easy to understand, eye catching and informative infographics.

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It happens. Take your break and come back angry but not exhausted x

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Good to have you back!

Look after yourself!

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You asked for some content to look at. I'm feeling Facebook is in fact a propoganda machine first and foremost. I think its activity should be highlighted. Obviously twitter is a mess but we see this in broad daylight with mad musks agenda very apparent. I get the impression Facebook tries to come across as a big corp but is it also at the whim of Zuck? Considering how musk rules X I'd suggest FB is much the same. The thing that really bugs me though is how Messenger is encripted so FB cannot read what people write. So, as there is no suck thing as a free lunch, I'm guessing that tracking where and who gives all the valuable data and the content is next to worthless anyway. Encription is likely not the protection it seems to be. Secondly I'll point you to this https://democraticmedia.org/publishings/streaming-television-industry-conducting-vast-surveillance-of-viewers-targeting-them-with-manipulative-ai-driven-ad-tactics-says-new-report and the report in it. All that power of AI and the big money is in deception, how pathetic is the corporate imagination when presented with such possibility. Propoganda and advertising are the same thing really, emotional and psychological deception to game "free markets" and democracy respectively. Its a mess and could do with some analysis.

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Nice to have you back. Could you write about the ‘green new deal’? Would it really both boost the economy by providing jobs and save what’s left to be saved? If so, why will politicians not back it? If not, what else is there to know about it?

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Tom: I have really appreciated your work and hope to see more of it. Sadly our world seems to have little use for honesty and sincerity and the choices society make don't seem to me to be in the best interest of our society!

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Welcome back Tom. You have been missed. I have been a left wing journo in Canada, the US, and the UK since the mid 1960s. If there is anything I can do to assist, send me an email and we can have a Zoom. Alan Story, Norwich theleftlanepolitics@gmail.com Solidarity.

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Hi Tom, good to have you back and I hope all is well with you.

Regarding future topics, I would love to hear your thoughts on what the Atlee government achieved after the Second World War, and whether you think that it is possible for a government to provide similar results today.

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