Labour's case for confiscating the Winter Fuel Allowance from pensioners is based on a pack of economic lies, and Starmer's conducting yet another depraved loyalty test of Labour MPs over it.
Find one of Starmer's billionaire backers, especially one who gets banking-level subsidies, and make him unbearably "famous". Hang the cuts to the Winter Allowance directly around his neck, as a proxy for all the hidden beneficiaries of the favorable treatment that millionaires get at the poor gran's expense.
If the target is forced to retrench, and fade from politics, it creates a cost that Starmer and his faction will directly feel, even at this early stage with elections far in the future.
It's also useful as a tool to begin to coalesce potential leftists around hatred of such figures, while branding Starmer's rule with that image.
Starmer & Reeves have shown themselves to be the enemy of "Working People" not the Party of, a slogan they banged on about for months before the General Election, they could have done this but they chose not to...
Tax the £30 billion energy profits at 4.7%, that will raise the £1.4 billion and pensioners won't need to freeze to death.
Apologies for the delay!!! Yes how we treat the elderly is a defining definition. We must all pause and reflect on this treatment. We all will travel there if we live long enough. Something we should pause and reflect upon. Aging is something we all do.
The nearest councils to where we live voted as follows—-Liberal and Conservative voted against and Labour voted for. This Labour are against everything the party was founded for. They should be renamed. Any suggestions?
SIR Keir Starmer is a(n) (en)titled establishment Tory plant who has NO empathy for pensioners or those who elected him after he stabbed the extremely right and honourable (Mr.) Jeremy Corbyn IN THE BACK.
Find one of Starmer's billionaire backers, especially one who gets banking-level subsidies, and make him unbearably "famous". Hang the cuts to the Winter Allowance directly around his neck, as a proxy for all the hidden beneficiaries of the favorable treatment that millionaires get at the poor gran's expense.
If the target is forced to retrench, and fade from politics, it creates a cost that Starmer and his faction will directly feel, even at this early stage with elections far in the future.
It's also useful as a tool to begin to coalesce potential leftists around hatred of such figures, while branding Starmer's rule with that image.
I can't help feeling that cowardice is too gentle a term for abstaining. In the old days of outspoken views, it was "arselicking".
Starmer & Reeves have shown themselves to be the enemy of "Working People" not the Party of, a slogan they banged on about for months before the General Election, they could have done this but they chose not to...
Tax the £30 billion energy profits at 4.7%, that will raise the £1.4 billion and pensioners won't need to freeze to death.
Starmer is eerily similar to the Scottish thane who would be king - offing any and all opposition. We see where that got him.
This sounds so insane. There is no market economy left then over in the U.K. This just sounds so dystopic. What has England come to?
How we treat the elderly in a society tells us everything we need to know.
Apologies for the delay!!! Yes how we treat the elderly is a defining definition. We must all pause and reflect on this treatment. We all will travel there if we live long enough. Something we should pause and reflect upon. Aging is something we all do.
The nearest councils to where we live voted as follows—-Liberal and Conservative voted against and Labour voted for. This Labour are against everything the party was founded for. They should be renamed. Any suggestions?
That man, Alarmer, and his sidekick, Thieves, are self-satisfied sadists.
SIR Keir Starmer is a(n) (en)titled establishment Tory plant who has NO empathy for pensioners or those who elected him after he stabbed the extremely right and honourable (Mr.) Jeremy Corbyn IN THE BACK.