Right on point. Having said that, I think it is inaccurate to say children in poverty are being punished for the choices of their parents. The choices that keep anyone in poverty are all choices of the system: the government, the corporations, the wealthy, the liberal elite - the capitalists. The choice to keep people in poverty is an inherent and integral part if capitalism and Labour under Starmer certainly has no intention of interfering.

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AAV - you've mentioned the one and only concrete policy from Labour.

And that is every policy must be an empty slogan - with no actual material facts or clear plans to back it up.

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I’m pleased you’ve returned to being anti paywall after initially saying some content would be reserved only for paid subscribers on Substack.

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I left education after 15yrs. It is a broken system, being propped up by the goodwill and efforts of some brilliant people.

If there is no further investment, education will fail, and with it, many of our future workers

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Stating the bleedin’ obvious I know but the current Labour Party is simply a paler blue than the Tories. It’s no surprise that they intend to allow the appalling destruction of the education system under Gove to continue. Nothing will change if Starmer stays as leader - all he’s interested in is getting Labour elected. He seems to be a man of very few principles and huge ambition. For himself anyway.

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It seems to me that the party’s name is a misrepresentation. It should be renamed the “Bosses” party. The people who founded the party must be spinning in their graves.

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Tory Mk 2.

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Reading your post today, it reminded me of China's "One Child Policy". Yes, they've loosened that recently, & children aren't forcibly kidnapped (or relatives), forcibly killed, but forced poverty comes close.


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