This is not just appalling and terrifying but a sign of the depths of alienation in a crumbling capitalist madhouse.

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Our justice system is a farce. Has it always been this way?

Maybe it's just that we have the internet now - a way to share news quickly without the need for the rich and powerful (eg. Via newspapers, TV channels). So we're now better informed but still powerless, as all the channels by which people could express themselves democratically are still operating in the same way (illustrated by what happened to Corbyn).

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It used to be that this bald face injustice would be hidden. Now it’s out in the open as though the “legal” eagles could care less what the rest of us think.

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At some point the poor, the working class, the people of colour, the Muslims, the people trying to save the planet will realize their peaceful protests, their appeals to politicians are being ignored and whenever their protests disrupt profit making they are punished. They will retaliate, eventually, with violence whether against infrastructure or people and the political leadership and the media will pretend it came from nowhere, just as they pretend October 7th in Israel came from nowhere.

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Well said Ron!

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Has anything changed? You could be hung for stealing a slice of bread, and after "they" discovered Australia transported to a penal colony, and the rich criminals what happened to them?

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Apparently not. The thing is, we thought things had changed. Clearly we were wrong.

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It seems that "justice" is the last thing one gets from the UK legal system.

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Just to say good article and good intelligent comments. Thanks all. Reading them It's good to know I am not alone in Jan's aptly named 'Capitalist Madhouse.' Surely all people have ever done when faced with such an evil disparity of power is to bandy together in some way. That (maligned) word socialism comes to mind.

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Britain's obsession with putting people in prison. A country that goes on about all these terrible authoritarian regimes but look we're one ourselves. I remember reading about some hedge fund manager who lost enormous sums of money. He got a paltry sentence and screamed injustice, appealed and got even that irrelevance reduced. One might think losing huge sums goes against Capital and might have severe consequences, perhaps it was just people's savings wiped out so of little consequence. The 2007-2008 banking crash one might think they would build a new prison to house the perpetraitors and yet there was no punishment, they were even allowed to keep their money. So crime and punishment is some horrible arbitary system that within its horrible complexity is designed to keep the masses in line, from the police to the law to the judiciary. As for political prisoners there is special treatment reserved for this class.

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There are a lot of people that need to be in jail - those who instigated and those who profited from the PPE scandal ... eg Michelle Moan and Matt Hancock. Plus the £37 billion Test and Trace head Dido Harding etc etc. Keith "I was head of the CPS" Starmer has no intention of pursuing these crooks.

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I do not recognise my country anymore, Britain has become a totalitarian State!

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It has been like this for as long as I know, just that it was not reported on, it still is not reported on but we have the internet now. If you don’t recognise your country, it is not the country that has changed but you have changed you are disenchanted, congrats you have broken the spell that probably kept you in a zombie state of denial.

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Maybe it should be Ten Tier Keir...

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