I’m glad there are still jobs for British workers producing steel in the UK.

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Its not the 19th century Tom. Steel is a long way from a "core industries". Its less then 0.1% of GDP and it dose not matter a hoot where it is produced or by who. "Core Industry" would more accurately describe Fab Labs and bio-tech. Both of them are much more important then steel. More with the times Tom. All the best Sam

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Thanks for the context.

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So if it's American, Canadian or European owned it's ok? Racist twit.

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The fact the steel now represents 0.1% of GDP is testament to the ineptitude of successive governments, and the lethargic malaise that infects private enterprise in this Country. Steel remains emphatically a core industry for ships, building construction, turbines, EVs... Frontline technology and sciences require specialist expertise, they should thrive alongside, and facilitate, manufacturing industry, and never be viewed as a replacement.

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"The fact the steel now represents 0.1% of GDP is testament to the ineptitude of successive governments, and the lethargic malaise that infects private enterprise in this Country" - No it is not. Its a testament to the fact that steel is makes up an ever decreasing proportion or global GDP.

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Check the world league tables for tonnage of steel production 2022 and 2023. The UK's performance is embarrassing.

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As I understand it we produce 7mil tones and use 10mil. But thats not really the point, the point is dose it matter that we are not a big steel producer? In the modern world I thinks it's totally irrelevant who or where it is made, move on to what dose matter.

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Maybe Starmer is testing the waters to see whether investing in a rival but exclusively British Steel corporation might be a vote winner for him?

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Pretending to support British industries, whilst really being a Tory simp.

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