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https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/18847477 - She is lucky, a similar phrase 'Choc-ice' cost Roi £45k

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My guess is that Starmer’s government supported the prosecution if not encouraged it.

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It creates an atmosphere of fear in which people are afraid to protest, afraid to make a placard or sign lest they end up in court.

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Excellent piece. Common sense prevailed indeed👍

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The problem is that the left have legitimised these tactics by encouraging them to be used against gender-critical feminists. Actually the parallel is very close. It’s absolutely fine for mainstream commentators to call down death threats on “terfs” like JK Rowling, absolutely fine for them to be demonised as if they are literally, erm, calling down death threats on their opponents, absolutely fine for grandmas to be beaten up by trans rights activists at protests, or receive visits from the police for being photographed looking at a gender critical sticker. Posting actual verifiable truth is not a defence.

As soon as we legitimise the restriction of freedom of speech for people we don’t agree with, we legitimise it against us. We can’t really complain about pro Palestine socialists being cancelled, if we are committed to cancelling gender critical socialists.

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I think lots of us agree that the Starmer government is totally rancid. And AAV reminds us nearly every day just how bad it is. Anyone have any thoughts on this proposed alternative that Jeremy Corbyn is endorsing: https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2024/sep/15/jeremy-corbyn-addresses-meeting-new-leftwing-party-collective

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