He’s come out of this very badly. Like a frozen rabbit in the headlights at best and a spineless coward at worst. Actually reminded me a lot of Johnson at the beginning of Covid- seems just as terrified of having to deal with a serious crisis and having to do some actual work! Looked hopelessly out of his depth throughout- and then only saved by the people he’s been demonising for the past four years!

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Would you rather have a conservative government than a labour government? For goodness sake Keir Starmer is the only choice at the moment! 👱‍♀️

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Are you working from the same script as Kamala Harris.and Joe Biden?

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It frightens me how far removed the UK's populace appears to be from seeing through the two-party illusion, compared to the US. You probably think that things are bad in the US, right?

It's going to be far worse in your own country, solely based on how you and so many others still buy into this illusion.

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All of this takes away from the original crimes - the domestic terrorism that is the ever escalating - violence against women and girls (VAWG).

As someone who works with DA survivors I can say that in the last decade there is a rise of crimes towards women and girls with men having little or no repercussions for their actions (lenient judges and prisons that are 'full') . I feel that we will see more stories like this in the months to come.

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This account also tried to say that Roger Hallam was convicted for nothing more than "peaceful protesting", while Hallam has repeatedly and consistently stated in public that the goal of the organizations he founded (such as Extinction Rebellion and Just Stop Oil) is to get as many of their "activists" arrested as possible.

Fanatical cultish organizations like Hallam's forged the conditions for the Policing Act reforms that came out in 2022 and 2023, and of course these so-called "leftist" organizations started crying wolf even harder about how they're being oppressed for "peaceful protest".

Meanwhile, this has been causing a steady rise of understandable outrage among what I call the "reactionary right". All of this has been raised to a fever pitch at the moment. Hallam and his whole cult of personality (which includes MEPs and famous figures in the UK, as you can see at a recent rally they did to protest Hallam's imprisonment) are now acting as though their goal was never to get arrested. I suspect that Hallam and those around him try to maintain a plausible deniability, so that they cannot be blamed for prisons being too full. The past 4 years of their actions and statements, however, demonstrably show that it was essentially an explicit goal of theirs to fill up the prisons as much as possible.

Yet nobody is talking about any of this, either.

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