$1,230,000,000 - Market cap of Meta +185.50% in the last 12 months. What ever they are doing to it seems to be working for them Tom.

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Guess to reach a wider audience you should try cross posting to other networks such as Twitter (X), and some of the newer ones like Mastodon, linking back to Substack. Perhaps try Instagram and Threads as there are very different types of audiences there (part of Meta though). Tiktok uses a video format, but loads of youngsters there who are left leaning.

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Shared on Fartbook

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“Fartbook” 😂🤣😂

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So stupid, isn't it. I've followed you for years now, but very rarely see any of your posts. Glad you're still up and running.

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Are you on the fediverse/Mastodon? It's a growing and good platform.

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I follow on substack and I rarely see a lot of people I used to follow. Sqaawkbox, the artist taxi driver, fb I think attacks socialists. I don’t write on here and have a couple of writers I paid. I wanted to write myself but I got frustrated as I didn’t understand the editor ability on here. I also subscribe to an autism writer on fb and the morning star. And I subscribe to another group think it’s the energy poverty group. So I can’t really subscribe financially to everyone who I like. I did buy some of square boxes tshirts and sometimes do one offs re fb. But it just gets expensive for me.

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My preferred social media provider is Mastodon. I would love to see you there, I seldom see your posts on FB and I don’t use the Dead Bird site.

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Feb 26Liked by Another Angry Voice

I've never bothered with Facebook. I followed you on Twitter. When I discovered Substack you were recommended by Ricky (the Council Estate guy - you know who I mean). That's how I found you again. I never see anything from you on X any more but that may be because I rarely look at it now.

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Substack is good for email notifications and recommending other blogs, and I do prefer long form posts over concise hot takes. So far Substack is running a good service ... so far.

I've said before that the cool gang are on the Fediverse and if someone like Angry Voice were to join, I'm sure many (more) left wing people would also join. it's got a few celebrities on it but I tend to avoid them and their centrist leanings.

It's not algorithm-based so you do have to do things like, you know, interact with people and make friends and shit. And there are a million things about it that make it resistant to corporate meddling and advertising. You can even run your own server if you're so inclined. I mean, it's not perfect but it's probably as close as you can get at the moment, and with all the Fedi dramas all the time, there's a sense that users actually want to improve it and make it work.

Mastodon is the most popular platform on the Fediverse. Think of it like Twitter but not shit.

I've always found this article useful but it is a few years old now: https://kevquirk.com/how-does-mastodon-work/

This is the Mastodon home page with info how to join: https://joinmastodon.org/

But if you want to find a server that's a bit more niche, this is a good place to look for one: https://instances.social/

Also here's a short blog about someone's experience performing to corporate needs on platforms like Twitter because that's the only way to get posts seen and shared: https://solarbird.net/blog/2023/07/04/performing-for-the-machine/

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i noticed that when you follow a facebook page you have to click on the following box and update the notifications settings to get all notifications. the default is only highlights from the page.

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Good things could be happening this year. I believe I'm right in saying that BlueSky and Threads will be joining the Fediverse and becoming decentralised, meaning no one will be able to cancel you or de-boost your posts (or if they do you can move to a different server).

If they do join the Fediverse, expect a huge influx of interest as the Mastodon audience effectively triples overnight. It could be a game changer.

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That’s interesting. I have an account on Mastodon, but gave up on it, as most of the content is largely American. Substack feels like a far better platform.

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Perhaps Notes could also join the Fediverse

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Sorry to be dim, but by Notes, do you mean this Substack platform that we’re using now? If so - seems like a good idea!

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Oh cool! Then Substack notes on the Fediverse would be brilliant 😊

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The deep state has put all social media platforms on clear notice that they will not be be allowed to exist at all if they don't play ball in actively suppressing content the deep state does not want to see widely distributed, which is what shadow banning such as you relate is all about.

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Was INTENDED to fail

Since its inception.

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I first came across you on the infamous Facebook. I left FB, deleting my account, because Mossad comb Facebook for pro-Palestinian members and then harass them. Zuckerberg is only interested in how much money he can make and all morality has long since stopped inhabiting his skull. It’s a real pleasure to find you here. Substack is an infinitely better platform. As you say, people here will actually read and engage with your posts. - Keep them coming! You’re an essential voice, particularly in this rotten political scene in which we find ourselves.

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Since The Zuck [allegedly] stole the original social network from a classmate, I’m fairly sure he never possessed any morality, let alone have some inhabit his CPU..?

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That makes perfect sense.

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I’m sandboxed in farcebook so I still get updates and notifications but nobody can find my page, & the way I was invited to attempt to re-engage was basically an ID theft fraudster’s dream package (including photocopying DL & PP). I’d already done an authentication process years before.. so, I declined. I wonder if your FB friends have had any similar experience..

The algorithms of YouTube are interesting, and now AI makes video creation a possibility in the (likely) event you don’t want to be a talking head? It’s a power draining tool but you might want to experiment with the new technology, idk.

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I was one of the lucky ones and got most of your posts on facebook; that is until the powers that be decided I was too radical or too outspoken and they kicked me out!

The fact that due to my circumstances most of my support and contacts were on facebook, the fact that I reported hundreds of criminal pages and posts that they did nothing about or the fact that I was running a few sites of my own were not even taken into consideration when they came up with a tenuous excuse to ban me from the platform!

That I am now labelled by Meta as some sort of monster, a sexual predator and manipulator of children would be laughable if not so serious but as usual no one seems the slightest bit interested as long as it doesn't affect them!

So now I have a couple of pages like this one to comment on, no support network and have been left isolated in the social media wilderness just because I dare to question Israel and showed solidarity with our Muslim brothers and sisters!

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I’ve found myself a moderate on the mentally unstable platforms known as subreddits, most recently taking the Mickey out of Andrew Huberman’s cult of pill popping pseudosci-bros. The younger human population seems to be infected by a binary brain worm of fascism and logical fallacies. Maybe I just seek them out as a sadistic Stalinist tankie? Nobody has accused me of that yet, at least, nobody who hasn’t already blocked me.. I admit to using humour as my preferred tool of torture..anyway, thanks to the Zuck, I’m enjoying (anti)social media again.

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