As the old adage says, the devil looks after his own.

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Or not, in this particular case!

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Oh dear, how sad, never mind.

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At last, something to be happy about - and not merely because of its dent in Nigel Farage's profile and wallet and that of every other piece of Right Wing scum that works at this nefarious fascist platform. This was never a TV news channel in any meaningful sense but a psychological warfare platform that should never have been given a licence in the first place. I would rather it had been banned so that all the fascists could bleat that they've been deprived a right to free speech but the fact that it's gone bust is enough reason to celebrate, especially if its creditors also go bankrupt which I sadly doubt. The danger now is either that Lachlan Murdoch will move to fill the vacuum through the already aliiing UK News or that someone like Elon Musk buys the channel. This is why bans are best. If you can quite rightly ban Press TV and Russia Today you can ban GB News.

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The air waves are a public resource and given out to broadcasters on license. If the license requires that they broadcast news (even if a bit biased one way or the other) then the license should be cancelled if they are broadcasting what is clearly propaganda. Simple, right? Except, the regulators of those licenses are supporters of the propaganda so that won't happen.

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Oh Tom, it's so unfair.

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If you're waiting for the British public to 'wake up' then you'll be waiting a very long time.

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One down next, the white house

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'Go woke, go broke'? More like 'Go fash, bleed cash'... ✌️❤️✊️

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Wonder if there's a list of who's willing to advertise there (know M&S does)

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So you don't mind the ludicrous leftist trash churned out by the BBC and Channel 4?

And as for you calling out 'Islamophobia' ... It's called 'Freedom of Speech' here; you might like to look it up, as you are clearly unfamiliar with it. Of course, you could well be Muslim, in which case I won't be taking your opinion as 'unbiased'.

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Some good news this Thursday morning.

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