Yes the underground rail is something to be proud of. Sorry you have these types of people in England too.

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It's knuckle-draggers like this that make me ashamed to be English.

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I agree with the article, and the delusional lies in those "patriotic" replies actually made me angry.

However, I'm going to be "that guy", and say that the worlds first passenger rail system was from Wales, not England!


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I don't pay that much attention to MSM news, these days. Can anyone tell me if this story was covered by any news broadcasts or newspapers, please?

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Morning George,

It is widely covered in this morning's papers. Most are carrying it - The Guardian, The Times, The Star, The Standard et all. The Telegraph's coverage is more muted than most, but they do carry the footage. BBC and Sky also ran with it. It's very widely reported, and none of the coverage is positive, however I have not read the open comments.

https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/04/23/st-georges-day-protest-london-police-westminster/ https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-68883243 https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2024/apr/23/police-clash-with-st-georges-day-protesters-at-rally-in-central-london

I hope this helps, all the best Sam

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I think trying to frame a 'new' English identity that is both patriotic and progressive is a mission for the broader Left. There are many elements from the English past that are positive, not least the radical thinking of Quakers, Diggers, Orwell, Blake and protesters of all stripes. Paul Kingsnorth and Caroline Lucas are two people I know of trying to frame this argument. I say broader left. That would include environmentalists, people of faith and peace activists (etc). Obviously not a project for the current, flag-strewn labour party. Hopefully that can change.

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Not Orwell, he was a grass.

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I don’t get being “ proud” of an accident of birth. I happened to be born in England, if I’d been born in France or India or Brazil it would just have been an accident of birth, and the fact that some bits of the earth are called one thing and some bits other things. I don’t see it as a source of pride or shame; just a fact.

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Not to come to the defence of the right wingers, it did look like the police were provoking by pushing the horses right into the crowd which was abusive to the horse. I know they are trained for crowd control but it did look agressive.

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