I have already started wearing my "Don't blame me, I voted Green" (smiley face) button badge.

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Sounds good to me, were did you buy it?

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Ah. Just reminiscing back to the 1980s when there was a "Don't blame me I voted Labour" badge doing the rounds. Normally sat alongside button badges inc. CND symbol, Anarchy circled A, Mod target, two tone etc. Think Rick out of the Young Ones. Lots of younger, studenty people used to wear them.

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Haha….made me laugh 👍

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Is there anyone in the UK who feels genuinely optimistic and positive about the next few years under this leader with no clarity of vision and no ambition to improve our lives. Shit show doesn't even cut it.

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Maybe Keir Starmer? Although I doubt it. Or maybe he did but he's changed his mind again.

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The only good things that have come out of this election

Jeremy Corbyn has been returned as Islington MP, Bolsover has returned to labour, the odious Reese-Mogg has gone.

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Yes!…..Yes!……and YES!!!!

That I do not have to see or hear Reese- Moggs anymore is the highlight of the GE.

Despicable sorry POS for a human being!

And the rest of them are not much better either, good riddance to bad rubbish, and that is putting it mildly.

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It's a win built on sand. Once people see he offers nothing but more of the same they will switch to the next snake oil salesperson.

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The goal of the “centre” is always to maintain power and privilege for themselves in a manner that allows them to continue being “charitable”. When that approach fails they always move to the right. Fascism, for the centre, is better than empowering the many. Get ready for PM Farage after the next election.

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How does Starmer finally daring to sound like he's defending women's and girls' right to protected, sex-segregated spaces, the right to privacy, dignity and safety, get translated into "spewing transphobic bile"?

Are women's rights now transphobic in the same way that lesbians wanting lesbian-only spaces is also being deemed "transphobic"?

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I already loathe him and everyone we know, that has expressed an opinion, have said they only voted Labour to get rid of the Tories.

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