It feels odd ticking a like button for something so bleak, but it's the level of support I can afford. I support this message, but I don't like the predicament we are in.

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Very worrying times ahead

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Yes this election is a stitch up. Part of the reason --- but not the whole reason --- is because of our undemocratic FPTP voting system. We ( and especially the left ) need to fight for PR. https://theleftlane2024.substack.com/p/remembering-the-election-of-1885 AND https://getprdone.org.uk/blog-the-nearly-iron-laws-of-fptp/

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I was under the impression that FPTP was not favoured by Labour?

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Wulyum. LP members voted against FPTP and want PR. Starmer, Reeves, Lammy and co. want to keep FPTP. No surprise why. It is a real shame Corbyn did not make PR Labour policy while he was leader.

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It's just a case of appealing to the median voter. It is not a stitch-up, there is no secret deal in smoke-filled back rooms by the lizard people. Just a logical drive to win over the median voter. This is not conspiracy and it is not a stitch-up.

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Yep that's right, the reason no one voted for Magic Grandpa in 2019 is the Labour Party desire for a confirmation Brexit referendum. You people are fucking delusional 🙄

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Lovely bit of revisionist nonsense... plenty of people voted labour in 2019 just not enough to win obviously. Of the almost 13 million who voted labour in 2017 approx a third were under 25 many of whom voted for the first and unfortunately last time. The fact the Tories only clung onto power due to a disgraceful coalition with Belfast bigots probably put many off voting again for life . Anyone with half a brain knows Corbyn lost badly in 2019 due to an establishment stitch up . Cold hard fact not conspiracy theory

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Oh look a cultist has popped up to defend the messianic cult leader. Fucking pathetic

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I think the penny is starting to drop for many people re. Labours neo-Tory trajectory. Do we still cling to the hope that there may be a left wing Trojan Horse hiding somewhere in the Labour machine - If not Keir Starmer's stony heart? I personally suspect not and I won't vote for them. Mainly because of Gaza. Which leaves voting Green or for an independent . . . and possibly allowing the Tories to do better than currently expected (?). Kind of a lose-lose situation.

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Is it possible that Labour either has them or can generate new genuine left wing Trojan Horses? Can the unions not deliver them? The youngsters with genuine passion for the future? Will they always be swatted aside? How can such people "immunise" themselves against future malicious witch hunts?

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Let's hope so. Things can and do change. Occasionally for the better.

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Starmer is stitching up the selection process, he won't let left wingers stand, he parachutes in his lackeys, even if the local party chose someone else he finds an excuse to bar them for HIS preferred candidate

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Do you have any helpful advice on who we SHOULD vote for? There is no one that I trust to deliver us out of this misery

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It's more how Starmer got into power that bothers me. Anyone could have guessed that the post Brexit election would be a washout for the Tories. Jeremy Corbyn should still be running the labour party, had he not been sabotaged at every turn by his own party. Even with the right wing media churning rubbish and his own party sabotaging him, he would have won this election.

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I've never been so underwhelmed with the choices at a general election.

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So are there any organized left factions in the UK that could talk to, and maybe work with, left orgs in the US on pulling together proper left parties in both places?

Seems like it would be a lot more productive than talking do or dealing with either Labour or the US Democratic Party, who clearly don't want the left anymore.

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