Because he's a globoziofascohomo tribe member... Obvs. Next question...

Although you may want to deliberate on the destruction of the SNP and Faslane as more important questions...

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Why do you opine that the "destruction" of the SNP is as equally important as the "destruction" of Faslane?

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Starmer is an absolute wanker. Useless pathetic and petty.

The state of politics in the UK today. I could cry.

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While I agree with much of what you say Tom, the SNP are closer to New Labour than Social Democrats . The proposed council tax freeze this year will severely affect public services up here in Scotland and will benefit the better off.

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No they aren't.

Why are you scared of independence? Its only by voting SNP will that be gained. Once that is attained other parties can be voted for.

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I never said I was scared of independence, in fact I never mentioned independence, I said that the SNP are going to cause more cuts to public services with a council tax freeze

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How can the Scottish Government effect the budgetary constraints of the Barnett settlement?

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By not having a council tax freeze that benefits the better off. It won't solve all budgetary problems, but it won't exacerbate them either

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So what to do? End free prescription? , impose tuition fees?, impose the UK govt limit on child benefit, limit concessionary travel etc? There many other aspects of "social welfare" policies that that thus far the Scottish Govt have maintained that are not reflected in England & to a lesser extent in Wales, however the limitations of the "reserved" powers that currently exclude the possibility of more meaningful welfare support. Certainly there are still elements within the SNP that deserve the old term "tartan tories" such as those who have repeatedly kicked the proposals for such policies as a land tax, and land owershhip to replace current local government funding, into the long grass.

Notwithstanding these and other policy areas deficiencies I would rather live in Scotland where there is at least the possibility change.

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All very well George, but you haven't addressed the council tax freezes which was my original point 🤔

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Maybe you need to speak to your local MP about stopping the wholesale sell off of Scotland to the second home mob?

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Not sure how this relates to my post about the freeze in council tax 🤔. My MP is SNP, I'm not, is it them you mean?

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Why is he going after the SNP leader? because of his links to Palestine and the zionist regime dont like that.

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What a lot of conspiracy bollocks. Stama what to be the next resident of number 10. The 57 scotish seats would be very handy for him. That is all there is to it, occam's razor. You are just writing drivle Tom.

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When last did the tories win a majority of parliamentary seats in Scotland? When last did Westminster reflect the electoral intentions of Scots voters?

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It was the late 50's that (if I remember) that the Tories last had a majority in Scotland. Scotland and England were aligned (in terms of majority party) form 97 through to 2010 I think - I will google to double check both. Why do you ask? All the best Sam

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1955 - last Torie majority in Scotland not as I thought the 59 election.

And 2010 was a hung parliament in the UK as a whole but Labour 41 of 59 seats - so I think I was right with aliment over the years 97 to 2010. Hope this helps? Sam

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More proof, if it were needed, that democracy and freedom of choice is an illusion. There is little difference between liebour and tory and I for one won't vote for either of them!

Politics in the UK, as in many other countries, is broken and no one has the inclination to fix it because they are too busy skimming off the top!

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