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He is out of touch with reality, once people, especially solo parents, fall into the poverty trap it's difficult to get out of it. 10 years I myself found myself in a terrible situation solo with a baby through no fault of my own needed to start receiving UC.

It's degrading enough the hoops you have to jump through as it is never mind the fact that I could never live off min wage pay for my flat and childcare if I worked a full time job. I'm almost out of the poverty trap but not fully out yet. Shame on Starmer

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Time for real change

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We had that chance a few years back didn't we?

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Yes and look at how the media and the right wing of the Labour Party undermined and sabotaged Jeremy Corbyn. They preferred a Tory government to a left wing Labour government.

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And people who pointed it out at the time were accused of being deluded.

Oh what *fun*!

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Ah but it's not 'handouts' in his case - 'perks of the job'.

I do wish someone would ask whether people in private companies can get away with such obvious grift.

Certainly wasn't the case in the 3 private companies I worked for altho' I appreciate times may well have changed...

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Lets call it for what it is, bribery, this is corruption, he who pays the piper calls the tune and a man cant have 2 masters. Its been around for a very long time and no good has been done by it. An out and out zionist who accepts bribes, and not just him how many in his cabinet have taken money from Israel?

To me he is a TRAITOR to the country and people.

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Starmer and his ilk are why there should be no "handouts". They use such things to make themselves feel good for charitable giving, they use it to stigmatize those who are in need, they use it as an excuse for austerity against working people and the poor. Replace "handouts" of any kind with a guaranteed living wage for all people as of right. Those who have lots of money will pay it back at tax time, those who need it keep it. No bureaucracy needed to "means-test" recipients, no feeling-good for the liberals who legislate it, no stigma for those who receive it, and it's not subject to austerity cuts.

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As inhuman as Angela Eagle is, all the way through, it's when she says, "Okay, you've had your rant," that I felt a visceral wave of outrage.

How are these socially-cannibalistic, "Let them eat cake," one-percenters not looking over their shoulders for a guillotine? How are they so SNIDE in their complacency?

The rich THREATEN the SURVIVAL of the poor, and then CASUALLY DISMISS the only CIVILIZED method of changing their minds. What will people do once she succeeds in convincing them that she can't be communicated with, through LANGUAGE?

I just can't even imagine if it were MY parents, whose survival was being imperilled by these policies, and then that MONSTROSITY blew me off with: "Okay, you've had your little rant, about your boring concerns, about how my insane hypocrisy is tormenting, harming and endangering your insignificant little loved ones... I'm off now, to never think of you again, you stupid little nobody!!!"

Actually, that's not true. I CAN imagine it. That's why I'm so angry.

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Is there a new left party forming yet? Because the recruitment ads are literally writing themselves, seems like.

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Sell-out Starmer. His father WAS a tool-maker.

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I think we now have to go back and look to see if he accepted any 'gifts' while he was in charge of the CPS. If he's taking them as an MP I'd put money on it he took them then too.

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A despicable stooge for Starmer. She is right on one thing, however. She really has no opinion on the matter - that is, unless Starmer tells her what her opinion is.

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I always laugh when people talk about the "dignity" of work. I hated my job, every second of it for 35 years. Nothing "dignified" about it.

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I voted Labour in hope they would not turn out like this. Naive, stupid or just no where for my vote to go. Probably all three. Nothing will change. He is a man of no real value with no passion about anything. I feel this will never change unfortunately. I think when there is real pressure or a crisis he will fold. Again hope never delivers and never will.

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