I’m shocked AAV says he’s been getting poorer. Frankly I find that difficult to believe.

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I find it hard to believe that is your conclusion.

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I am trying deep down to cling on to the hope that Starmer is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. That he, like the Tories tried a year ago, to entirely ignore and tear up their manifesto promise not to increase taxes. They quite overtly increased NI, it was reversed, but it set a precedent.

So Starmer can make a load of manifesto promises, get in (possibly) on the back of them, then rip it up and actually grow a pair. Sadly, he won’t, much like Miliband, he will be virtually indistinguishable from Sunak and the Tories, like him it’s his election to lose.

The Tories look like they will fight back with Project Dear - saying how much the Labour green taxes and levies will make them worse off, hiding behind the personal cost of hitting Net Zero by 2050, like they did in Uxbridge and South Ruislip, where the Tory candidate stood as an anti-ULEZ and Sadiq Khan one, not really mentioning the Conservative Party and how the party has ruined the economy and the country, since 2010.

Each constituency they will fight, in Manchester is will be the LEZ, in Glasgow and anywhere else. Their posters will feature solar panels, heat pumps, electric cars, all telling us how much this will cost. No mention that they have previously promoted these and supported them. It will all be about Labour will cost you, leave you worse off and all because they want the UK to lead the way.

Sunak has signalled it already and it’s possible it can return them, because the people are blind to the reality.

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I totally agree that Starmer is the ‘new Cameron’ and have been saying so for a couple of weeks or more, mostly as a response to any “Heir to Blair” nonsense i’ve seen or heard. Where i don’t agree is the assessment of “economic illiteracy”. Yes, the Starmer - Reeves economic agenda is totally economically illiterate however i reckon it’s by design. They know full well that austerity doesn’t work, they have both said so themselves in recent months in their criticisms of Sunak’s government: “Austerity means low investment and low growth” & “Our economy lags behind those countries which did not implement austerity” are just a couple of Starmer quotes. They *know* it doesn’t work, they just don’t care other that about what their new donor class, elites and corporate lobbyists want, which is usually (always) diametrically opposed to what the working class/working poor want and need. They aren’t economically illiterate, they just think the voters are.

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