Starmer is a complete twat

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Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

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Makes me so angry- shared on my socials, if we all do this someone might see it!

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Feb 26Liked by Another Angry Voice

You are on fire at the moment Tom with your take down of Starmer. He lied in his leadership bid and he has been telling non stop lies since he got the job with a few u turns thown in for good measure. The Tories are toxic but there is no way I could lend my vote to Starmer.

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Feb 26Liked by Another Angry Voice

It reminds me of "The Big Society". No-one knew what it meant and, as it turned out, it meant nothing.

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Remove that within speech marks in your headline and you're on to something...

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Wrapping yourself in a flag to appeal to right wing voters then doing nothing to benefit the people of the UK is obviously considered a vote winner. Maybe increased military spending or a hint of a little war to stir the blitz/dunkirk spirit might follow.

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It probably means that all statements made by the Labour chancellor will be made with a Union Flag in the background. Probably one made in China.

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Spot on!

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Starmer has lied his way to leader of the opposition, and is obviously continuing with this strategy. His devotion to "foreign powers" is now plain for all to see, as he is now more interested in promoting his zionist agenda in parliament than undoing fourteen years of tory incompetence.

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Come on Tom, it’s just a political slogan designed to paint a picture and convey a feeling to the electorate and is not literal. Yes, I agree that it is a particularly poor one, that feels like the result of a focus group but you can’t read anything into it. Other political slogans that don’t mean anything “Yes We Can” “Strong and Stable” “Not Flash, Just Gordon” – they don’t mean anything literal, just convey a feeling. The worst thing about the slogan is just how weak it is, it demonstrate Stamers poor political feel. He demonstrates little natural political nous

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Not got a problem with China myself, unlike the US they don't bomb the f**k out of anyone and everyone, it's us sucking up to the US that's the main problem, I dont make an enemy just because the Government and media tell me I should,as for Starmer, well, some of us saw the light straight away , and knew what he was, but he's so thirsty for power, he doesnt care, the Labour party is finished, they are simply another "establishment" vehicle , to keep the Establishment where they are, so they can shit on the rest of us

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It's going to be a "but we're not them!" campaign isn't it. Lazy and solutionless.

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"Patriotism" is just another name for "Nationalism" - one of the tenets of Fascism.

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