As always putting my, and I believe many others thoughts, into words for the world to read.

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Starmer has taken taxing the wealthy completely off the table and out of the room. He says that it is either taxing working people more or NHS will die unless he gets his "reforms". He's a liar. It doesn't have to be, and shouldn't be, tax working people more to properly fund the NHS, the tax should be on those who have bled the system dry since the 1980s introduction of neoliberalism. And "reform" and "free at point of delivery" are code for privatization in which government will pay the private sector to deliver the service - until it gets too expensive (which it will as they grab for ever more profit) when they will introduce user fees and/or insurance coverage. Starmer is a bigger liar than Donald Trump, why can't people see that?

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what is wrong with him? Does he really expect the nation to swallow his twaddle? I think even the Guardian will find themselves deserting him soon.

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Polly Toynbee would rather die than renounce her love for him.

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She may get the opportunity to die if Starmer kills the NHS

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No question he’s in it to become even richer by profiting through the privatization. Britain has had a Donald in power for the last 14 years. I’m surprised there’s anything left of the NHS.

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Starmer is doing what he does because he is told to. He has said himself that he prefers Davos to Westminster ( https://www.facebook.com/conservatives/videos/davos-or-westminster-hear-which-keir-starmer-prefers/305075265991477/ ) Starmer has no more principles or ethics than Johnson, Truss, or Sunak. His ruinous agenda is no different from the Tories, it's simply the so-called Great Reset at work. The WEF's open agenda is to make the world a 'better' place for its billionaire members - at the direct expense of people and planet alike. We don't get consulted. We'll have nothing and we'll be happy, because they say so. It is complete madness by people who believe even genocide is 'justified' if it serves their purposes. And they expect to be able to buy and own everything and everyone, including the 'science' and the 'truth'. There is apparently no alternative to this planetary coup d'etat. They have stated that national governments, must 'co-operate' or face consequences. Musk is set to become a trillionnaire. And his attitude that 'we'' coup whoever we want' is typical.

This is Orwellian. It is pure fascism, 21st c style. The end of all justice, democracy, human rights, humanity, health, the planetary ecosystem itself. Because those who pay Starmer (and all our main political parties) are completely addicted to absolute power and when they have destroyed us they will turn on each other.

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It's clear that Starmer does not have the ordinary Brits best interest at heart. Screw the pensioners. Do over the average joe taxpayer. The sick and infirm can be left to die. Who/what is this guy working for?!

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Sep 13·edited Sep 13

Well said, economic lunacy indeed. Until we rejoin the single market and customs union they’ll be little or no growth to pay for things, unless there’s a significant wealth tax to fund the NHS and wider economy which isn’t going to happen it seems. What about capital investment!?

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Starmer seems to be getting some money from pensioners at the moment. News is full of how they will get a rise next April and start paying tax as a result. This is the triple lock thing which I think they will stop after saying they will keep it. He keeps pouring cash at Ukraine after telling everyone they have no money but they can’t put up tax for the rich so they’re threatening to tax the poor more. As for the NHS, they’ll privatize it slowly and everyone who can’t afford private care will just join longer and longer waiting lists. He’s no intention of improving anything for people without money. Already they’ve stopped the winter fuel payment and the price of keeping your house warm is going up. Starmer is eager for WW3 for some reason, and probably hopes to trot about wearing a uniform he didn’t earn talking crap to troops. He’s simply ruining everything he touches and we can’t get rid of him for years. The UK is finished.

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I would kill the NHS in a heartbeat. It’s too big to be efficient or well-run and suffers from the diseconomies of scale. In almost every way, it performs worse than similar countries' healthcare systems, including in terms of outcomes and cost. It’s interesting to note how many countries have looked at the NHS and copied it—none. Not a single state has replicated the NHS model.

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Starmer is a foreign agent, he takes money from the US, he takes money from Israel, which other foreign countries are paying him?? I bet there will be others. The UK needs a full revolution, all neoliberal MP's need arresting and charged with fraud and treason. The myth that the privately educated morons are somehow our 'betters' needs to go up in flames.

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