I think you may find that "being the man who goes down in history for having handed power to an extreme-right coalition of the Tories and Faragists at the next general election" is PRECISELY what the entire purpose of the Starmer phase of continuity-Establishment power is all about.

In which case, Gordon Brown is only providing some kind of 'cover' or 'illusion' of ideological difference. If they are part of the Establishment, they ARE fascists. Just that some of them disguise themselves in order to fool the electorate into thinking there is such a thing as 'politics' or 'competing political parties' (an electorate who, unfortunately, do fall for it all the time).

The real question is whether this deliberate paving the way/enabling the final arrival of British fascism has been decided by the Establishment to happen in 5 years, or in 10 years. The way things are going, I wouldn't be surprised if it's 5 years. They may have originally intended 10, but now I think they believe can get away with doing it in 5, especially given the total lack of any genuine opposition. Like with this new 'Collective' thing and Corbyn apparently getting involved. It's 4 years too late for all that, you bunch of political imbeciles...

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Well said, I've often discussed this with anyone who would listen. Sadly most ignored me.

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Anybody with the autocratic instincts and ability to lie the way Starmer does absolutely cannot be trusted, specially with the interests of the poor in society.

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I agree that politics as it is currently being done both here and elsewhere in the "West" is performative and stage-managed. Fascism is here to protect ruling class financial interests, plain and simple, just as it was in the early 20th century.

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There's a good Hearst piece on Doubledown which I imagine you have seen; if not, give it a whirl.

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Very good 👍

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Starrmer IS far right.

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The Far Right is always in the business of defending the "free" market, hence their support from billionaires. Starmer is a neoliberal through and through and completely signed up to this.

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SIR Keir is the man who (very intentionally) hijacked the Labour Party, to (very intentionally) turn it into a second Tory Party.

SIR Keir is the man who pledged to funnel British taxpayers' money into the pockets of Italian Fascists, for the express purpose of violent racism... and pledged to "learn" how to be the same as those Fascists.

What on Earth makes you think he would recoil, AT ALL, from being "The man who goes down in history for having handed power to an extreme-right coalition of the Tories and Faragists at the next general election," let alone consider that outcome a "danger?"

The coup has already happened.

On both sides of the Atlantic.

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Obvious and depressing in equal measure to those on the political left. More importantly is the betrayal of ordinary citizens that were hoping against hope that Starmer and the PLP would deliver for the those who voted them in. An illusion of choice is no choice at all.

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Starmer should just rename labour as Fascist and be done with it. Then fuck right off.

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