I'm a big fan of Kemi. I hope she will be Tory leader by the end of the year. Very capible and will be very effective in my view.

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is this irony? sorry if it is ~ I really have to concentrate to spot it these days

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I reckon the time line would be extended if it was a member of his party!

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Well said AAV. Let's not forget that the chosen one to deliver the 'just forget about it' message was a black female. Its a desperate stunt to try to brainwash those uninformed that it must be fine because of who the message is coming from. Those people forget that in party politics there is no solidarity to those across the aisle, no matter if people share similar characteristics or not.

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Frank Hester should be made the most "famous" individual in the whole of Britain for a good month or two, long enough to see what skeletons fall out of his closets for people to assess his standing to "lead".

Megadonors always want to lead, without being seen (and scrutinized) by those they intend to walk over.

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