This is an example of the UK system working. The government makes the lay, but the courts interpret the law - this is how it works, the separation of power. All UK governments of all colures have been found to be unlawful. It is not a problem. Passing laws is complicated and often a court case is required to settle complicated issues especially around supremist (what law is supreme over another).

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Oh Sam... and who lobbyed Kwartang? How long were corporates able to utilise the change, albeit temporarily? No doubt, Kwartang-Truss partnership was so ineffective at keeping power, the "appearance" of justice was another sticking plaster.

Truss and Kwartang will still get their comfortable corporate pay outs when they retire from the Westminster Corporation.

Fact is, they don't need lobbyists in Westminster anymore, they ARE the corporate lobbyists, sitting on the benches, on both sides of the house.

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Corruption and incompetent look very similar, especially in retrospect. Incompetence is vastly more common then corruption so it almost always right to assume incompitance over corruption it's just playing the odds. This case is no different.

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I could almost agree... Save for the fact that only a minority (sizable though it may be) of red-carpet Eton Tories are shepherded into Westminster without having any real talent (either that or the really stupid ones get pensioned off to the BBC).

Most of the Westminster bubble are career politicians with a smart mouth, an even smarter brain, and a talent of appearing incompetent (plausible deniability) while shoveling up all the corporate kick backs and various other scams. Yes, our lot are probably doing the same thing as the Biden's, but unlike US citizens WE will NEVER know about it.

If it were not for my "conspiratorial paranoid sceptic" view on the whole shabang, I might agree.

But I still believe the "cock-up-theory" is just another British psy-op.

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I would have agreed twelve months ago: Before the recent staggering headlines eminating from the US... and the UK is a mere shadow puppet of that established regime.

The effect corruption and incompetence have on the wider society (which is how we experience it) is damaging in similar ways; so, it would appear to us in this way.

Suspicion has lead me to believe, that we have many more "career politicians" than honest ones with high principles and integrity. Therefore, I believe my premise holds.

There is a third option.

Perhaps these career politicians are both corrupt AND incompetent... That may explain some I could name...

So, who is the current Health Secretaty these days, anybody?


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It’s extremely poor logic to state that not appealing a decision or ruling constitutes an admission that they acted unlawfully.

I’ve had a few disciplinary decisions against me that I knew to be faulty but either couldn’t be arsed or thought the risk too high or the time and effort not worth it.

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