They’re all as bad as each other, they’ll say anything to get your vote, but after that?

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Red Tories acting like Red Tories, who would have thought!

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As a muslim i have been TERRIFIED. My husband works well out of town as a chef in an upmarket restaurant in a well off village. A Moroccan woman had smelly liquid thrown at her as she waited for a taxi outside the restaurant at the end of her shift.

My husbands muslim grandfather died in dachau concentration camp after fighting against Hitler with the french colonial army of Morocco. These pogroms are exactly what he died fighting against.

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Hard to know what to say. Sending you moral support. ♡

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I think more attention needs to be paid to the role of social media in all this. It provides a megaphone for extrermists and rabble rousers of all political hues. Like Chinese whispers on steroids. The platforms who enable and profit from all the ensuing 'disruption' (a well-known business trope, only this time with serious consequences ) need to be made accountable. I doubt this is going to be easy though for the simple reason capitalist societies value profit above all else: collective sanity / safety / the common good.

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It's looking as if the Fake news website that published a fake Islamic name as the perportraiter of the senseless attack that killed the kids is Russian. We need to drag that Russian report that Boris Johnson buried to interfere in the election back out into the daylight. We need to show just how much damage Russian troll farms are doing

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The fact that people can be hyped up that easily into a baying mob is the real issue.

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Neoliberalism has laid the ground work for the situation. The lack of long term infrastructure investment over the last 40 years has lead to a housing shortage, a shortage of services and other much needed items. Instead of politicians working to end the problem (the wholesale extraction of money from the system via offshore accounts), they've took the side of the neoliberals and have blamed refugees and migrants for the problem. This has ended with the situation we now have. Instead of blaming the rich white people and their insatiable greed, it's easy to fan the flames against the people who AREN'T the problem.

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Why do you lie? She didn’t say this on 30th July, it was 17th July. Anyone who wants to can read all of what she said and get the real context not your lie of it.


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Thank you for this. It's one paragraph that the Holiday Inn was mentioned, see below, and I am confused as to what could possibly be seen as "fanning the flames of violence" - it all reads as pretty anodyne to me. What is AAV objecting to?

"In Tamworth, the Holiday Inn has been used for asylum purposes for years and the simple reality is that residents want their hotel back. Tamworth benefits from local tourism and, as I have said before in this Chamber, the Holiday Inn should be for holidays. I therefore welcome today’s announcement that the border security, asylum and immigration Bill includes plans to end asylum hotel use. It was great to host the then shadow Home Secretary, my right hon. Friend the Member for Pontefract, Castleford and Knottingley (Yvette Cooper), in Tamworth earlier this month to brief her on the situation. I look forward to working with her in the coming weeks to discuss the issue in greater detail."

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The MP for Tamworth is claiming that people used to go to Tamworth for a holiday and stay in the holiday inn ....

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It all started with the utter lie that the 17 year old who attacked kids with a knife was an immigrant. He was born in the UK. Further, I submit that the truth is, that murderous teen was likely an undiagnosed paranoid schizophrenic. Late teens is the age that a male 1st episode of psychosis is triggered. MPs and right wingers got on board and caused this reaction. I think the MPs and social media influencers should all be in jail for inciting riots.

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