These are Tory voters. I would expect nothing less from the idiots, barbarians and half formed human beings who support this government. Sad but true.

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Tory scum anyone got any Semtex

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I used to implode with rage and frustration but these days I just think it’s very sad that the horrible and uninformed minority will bring down the rest of us as they did with Brexit. So many people don’t seem to even think for themselves these days.

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Sadly these are not just Tory voters. A lot of these people previously voted Labour but have been brainwashed to believe that less well off people are the reason their own lives are shit.

The propaganda in the UK is strong.

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Aug 4, 2023
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It's very easy to attack people less intelligent than you isn't it. Well done.

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Aug 4, 2023
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Wow it must be amazing being so perfect with no distractions or pressures. I envy you.

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Aug 4, 2023
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You are a strange one

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Hmm, you are assuming that the nasty minority are less intelligent. I don’t think that’s necessarily correct and it speaks volumes about you. I think with a lot of people it’s based on fear, ignorance of others apparently different to themselves and the constant broadcasting of effortless superiority from our ruling classes. The ‘elite’ have been running this country for centuries and are still doing so aided and abetted by the MSM. And Wealth and the worship of the wealthy remains the key to their dominance.

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They aren't less intelligent, they are worse as people. They are human garbage.

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Banging rant! I have no patience for those who imagine that any other human being is beneath them. The sheer vanity, pride and vindictiveness that these people harbour is scary.

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Yet at it's peak the highest the average length of a Jobseeker's Allowance claim reached was just under 6 months. So for half of the year the average unemployed person is a "hardworking taxpayer".

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People are gullible and believe any crap someone ‘important’ tells them.... people always vote themselves poorer, its been happening last 13 plus years

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Not a surprise that the nasty party is supported by the greedy and cruel minority the only surprise is that the more moderate majority are fooled by the nasty party into perpetuating their own enslavement to the capitalist profiteers.

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This report is very discouraging and does not bode well for the future. The capitalists allowed a middle class after WW II because it served their purposes - dividing the working class, creating the myth of upward mobility, and enabling the demonization of "the others" (poor, POC, disabled, etc.). This poll would indicate their efforts were hugely successful. However, I'd like to see the actual questions before I believe what the poll says. I am in Canada, but I have not seen a poll yet that doesn't have at ;east some questions framed so that the pollster or the entity paying for the poll get the answer they are looking for. My hope would be that many people responding to this poll would be thinking, "Could they afford ...", not,"Should they afford ...".

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I took part in that poll and it was very depressing to see which option many people voted for. Although there were more who voted for the compassionate and caring options most often. I read some of the comment section at the end and it was quite shocking to read the vitriol and hate expressed. Based on nothing but prejudice and ignorance mostly.

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Thanks for that information. Very depressing indeed. Too many humans have been indoctrinated to always punch down. I guess it helps them feel bigger that some one is less well off and they are too cowardly to punch up. Like bullies.

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I've heard that those in the US have this ambition, this belief that everyone can work their way up, with enough hard work! It generally leads to more people with impossible debt, working two jobs to give a faux impression of "middle class" (& in the US, the middle class is generally quite poor, anyway, just pretending to be a bit more well off).

Worst part about the US system is that you have to have debt to have a credit score, in order to score more debt...

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Jesus, fucking Christ! Thank god I got the hell out of there years ago. What a disgusting shithole it's become.

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I strongly suggest people read the survey themselves and form their own understanding of its findings.

I don’t see anywhere that suggests to me that anyone has the view that unemployed people, the disabled, and their kids are sub-human scum who need to be punished with even more poverty?


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they're pandering to them as these are the views which allows capital to be the most capitalist. They're happy to have found a subset that feels this way as it "justifies" their most extreme policies. See also nu Labour's policies which are designed to appeal to a single swing voter in the West Midlands. In other words they have horrible policies they wish to pursue and they find a demographic to justify it.

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Decades of propaganda.

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40+ years of insidious neoliberalism and rampant individualism combined with the pain of the loss of empire and the yearning for a mythologised Golden Yesteryear, felt by many Baby Boomers, has created deep levels of undiagnosed trauma among those who have not got the future they believe they were promised. In addition, they feel guilty at the state of the world and environment that will be their legacy to their children and grandchildren. In such an emotionally-repressed and reactionary society, their way of dealing with this is deep denial and a stubborn refusal to accept responsibility of their historic actions at the Ballot box. They then project their self-hate onto those they have been falsely conditioned to believe are the cause of their ills.

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Their bible is the Mail,the S*N and Gbb’s,they suck it up,makes them feel elite🤣

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I think the poor are the ultimate target of the culture wars if the Tories and their newspapers can condition ppl into hating the minorities and thinking that actually giving a sh1t about your fellow humans is “woke” then logically the next target is those who are on benefits or needing assistance of any kind they tap into the need of some ppl to have someone to look down on to feel better than it’s a tactic used by right wing politicians worldwide to get poor people to vote against their own interests

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This is something that working people like me have known for many years. I was born in 1950 and these views were commonplace and implicit in education. Fortunately none of it stuck with me and i became a socialist. After a renaissance under the first Wilson regime in the early sixties things got back to "normal" under subsequent governments with Thatcher and then Blair and finally Johnson taking the country back to medievalism. In 2006 my wife and I had had enough, she having been made redundant as a special needs teacher and the unit closed forcing parents to travel 35 miles each way to the nearest alternative school. We left UK to live in Europe and I have never returned. After England it seems like liberty hall here. I cannot envisage anyone having the balls to start a revolution in UK as it would compromise the routines of eating too much, guzzling alcohol, online gambling and kissing the backside of everything royal. Oh, I forgot football.You are on your own GB and as your economy sinks into the sunset you deserve everything you will get,

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So the majority who don't think in this twisted way have to suffer to make you feel good about abandoning the land of your birth? How about attempting to make the changes needed to provide a decent life for everyone.

Also, as far as I can see, parts of Europe are leaning further to the right, so a lot of those horrible people live near you.

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I spent 50 years of my life fighting for fairness in society I am too old and infirm now to take to the streets again. I wish it were not so but there comes a time when you have to stop bashing your head against a brick wall and try to encourage others to take up the baton. If my post stimulates you and others to actually do something , instead of moaning then it will be worthwhile. Some parts of Europe are trending to the right but I do not live in any of those and the ballot box will determine the future and not some superannuated fart like me getting cross.

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Many pensioners rely solely on a state pension which is far below national minimum wage so are these same people happy to condemn their elderly relatives to the same fate of insufficient food, ragged clothing etc?............probably, what a hell hole of a country the UK has become.

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