The capitalist class has been successful at convincing people “this is just the way it is”. As if it’s a law of nature so we just have to accept it, like “the poor will always be with us” (“because we’ll see to it”). Unfortunately social democrats (compassionate capitalists) are no help because they convince people capitalism can be made compassionate, not to mention they want to feel good about “helping” the poor and vulnerable.

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How on earth can anyone undo the £800 billion+ in brand new cash (Quantitative Easing), that’s already been spent?

It certainly can’t be spent again.

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It can and it will... Greed is never satiated... This is your future tax burden, handed out in advance on say... False PPE contracts... Just one of the cons... As was said at the time...

"Covid the gift that just keeps giving"

While at the same time, families watched their loved ones die alone without the comfort of their families beside them...

But hey, at least the UNIPARTY in Westminster could enjoy all those "work meetings"!

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Accepting the status quo IS a political position just as much as wanting to change it.

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And staying centre ground (BBC) is NOT an apolitical unbiased position... It is an agenda.

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It also matters how you define the "centre ground". There is a world of difference between defining the centre as being midway between democratic socialism and a Tory party with policies almost indistinguishable from those of neo-fascists, and halfway between outright communism and the right wing of the Conservative party. The supposed "centre ground" is currently "right wing moderates" as far as the media and political establishment is concerned. Progressive democratic liberals who want a mixed economy are defined as "far left".

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Politics has "shifted" to the right over 40 years, I agree... But I wouldn't call rightwing Tories fascist... (Well, not quite!) I would say the Tory party after Thatcher became a monetarist party pursuing a neo-liberal plan of freemarket economics: "the price of everything the value of nothing"

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shocking when seen as a list, the slow drip feeding this gov is so expert at normalises the crazy state we are now in. Thank you for putting this out it is a real wake up call.

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You forgot... And greedily persue these same policies for forty years, running the country into the dirt, destroying the social fabric of working class neighbourhoods... And without the majority realising a d**n thing about it.. because the MSM are in collaboration...

Noam Chomsky has been saying the same thing for decades!

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They want US-mad-style capitalism, with UK-fucked-up-style destruction on the side. The biggest difference between the UK and the US at this point is that the US is currently trying to invest.

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Then add to the mix the roll-out of toxic and ineffective so-called vaccines and other seriously mismanaged if not outright criminal measures in response to the covid era (probably more of this to come), plus the mandating of the jab and other harmful measures so that health workers and many others lose their jobs if they don’t play along (which is coercion). Then add comprehensive, internationally managed censorship and the vilification of anyone daring to question the official narrative and you have the perfect storm.

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