She's my MP, alas. But the reorganisation of constituency boundaries will free me,as she wants Pudsey , and I'll be in the new Morley seat. And I've already contributed to Jamie's campaign.

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Spot on as usual!

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Passionate and moving

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I'm not sure how people get away with this; surely using anti-semitism in this way is an exploitation of thousands of years of Jewish suffering? Lineker was accused of exploiting and trivialising the Holocaust when he accurately pointed out the similarities between the language from the Home Office and that used in Nazi propaganda and yet the Labour right-wing are able to exploit anti-semitism with impunity.

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The more I learn if Starmer’s crew the more astonished I am at the boldness of their attack on the left. Could it be that Labour is now controlled by people to the right of the Conservatives? Are the Starmerites really a fascist fifth column? Not just for Labour but for the UK?

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The more Jamie Driscolls there are in this World, the better place it might become. There are no discernible differences between the Tories and this post New Labour. Austerity will continue under Labour. Privatisation of the health service, the scandalous behaviour of the water companies, tax breaks for the super rich, all will go on as they have done under the tories. Voters will choose other candidates that will fight for them if they are on the ballot paper. People are not stupid. Just deprived of choice.

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Great little article by the way. I forgot to mention that! Apologies.

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We know the Starmer is a tory are we blinded to the possibility that by fractionalising the Labour Party it could mean the tory's get to win the next general election. I for one who has been labour my entire life cannot bring myself to vote for him, I live in the southwest so it looks like my best bet will be lib dem.

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It is certainly not true to write “Everyone knows that Driscoll was blocked from the selection process because he’s not from Starmer’s right-wing faction of the Labour Party”

I only read the Labour line that it was because he shared a platform with Loach.

Clearly, just because something is not true, that doesn’t mean it’s a lie.

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