I never believe anything a Tory says anyway. Sunak is an unimaginably wealthy, right winger who gurns and grins at the camera winningly (he thinks) but he has no idea about how most people are struggling to cope with both the immediate cost of living crisis and the not so distant future as climate change forces huge and terrifying changes in the way we live. For some reason the obscenely rich think they are entitled to carry on regardless. Sunak is an dangerous idiot.

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In the old days governments were wary of introducing very controversial legislation, certainly toward the end of the current parliament, because there was a very good chance that the opposition would reverse these controversial issues. That isn’t possible now because we have a main opposition party that reflects almost entirely the political thinking of the government,

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It’s stark staringly obvious that whatever else happens we will definitely be using both oil and gas well into 2050 and probably beyond. The cost of still burning is not relevant to the fact that the carbon footprint of local supplies is blatantly better than imports.

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Scotland does not need the oil and gas that warrants 100 licences for new exploration.

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The tories have a track record of NOT doing the right thing, once again we see this corrupt government financing it`s paymasters destructive industry. Where is the investment in wave and tidal power? North Sea gas and oil has been a lie since it was discovered and brought ashore in the 70s. I know the stories well, I was there.

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Your very informative article should be running in and on all the main media . My guess is, it’s not. Not even on BBC.

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Sunak like Khan Patel and Javid is what us Indian immigrants term Coconuts, It is a term that aptly applies to people who on the outside are of ethnic minorities but have inherently British Establishment view, a far cry from someone who also be appalled by their behaviour - Father of Indian independence, MK Gandhi

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