Nothing will happen to them. The establishment looks after its own. But a lifelong anti-racist like Corbyn gets slagged for not being racist. Complete joke of a so called “democracy”

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Sad thing is when people like Braverman and Sunak start spouting this racist drivel they seem to forget their own heritage and the struggles of their forebares! It's all getting skewed; on the one hand you can't say anything about Israel without being branded a racist anti Semite but it's ok to blame everything on the Muslims AGAIN! The tories brought in the law denying access to the UK for anyone deemed to be an extremist or 'hate speaker' to try to get rid of certain high profile Muslims but were quite happy to allow the likes of Trump in to the country. Same with all these hate speakers in government and politics as a whole, kick em all out I say! As for Bannon, biggest s**t stirrer going and we allow our politicians to sit down and talk to him?

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Not only that but give a platform to gaslight the public and normalise this right wing rhetoric

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Gujeratis... Ask Amin.

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He won't do anything. He is engaged in a general election campaign in which his party will be chasing the votes of the far right potential Reform voters. Meanwhile all the other established parties in England are chasing the privileged uncaring comfortably off who find the new Tory party just a little too strident but don't actually want change. The only solution is for everyone to pull their fingers out and do more than just passively vote for what they see as the lesser of two evils and get involved with the many campaigns to stand candidates against the mainstream parties. We don't have to put up with this.

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Sunak should do the same thing as Starma did to the anitsemites in Labour and chase them out. Looks like he already started https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-68392621

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Starmtroopers chased out the old 'left-wing' under the disguise of anti-semitism... Doubt me? Take it up with the High Court... Not much publicity on that judgement.

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Nothing, nothing and nothing. He'll wait for the next opportunity to double down on mRNA bio weaponry, hand over digital ID to his father-in-law via the Blair foundation and escape to Karnataka reaping interest... Next question.

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Sunak will go wherever the votes are - just like Starmer. The Tory Party is a far-right nationalist party now, it’s only a small step to embrace the views of Andersen, Truss et al in. We can thank Starmer and Hoyle for dispelling any myths in those planning to vote Labour that it will be any different in government than the Tories. Both leaders command a nest of vipers. Starmer given a free pass by the media ever since he became the corporate, donor accepting, right wing autocrat that he undoubtedly is. The coming election will only confirm the status quo. Those with power, influence and money can’t lose. The British people are so complacent, brain washed and adverse to change that these two leaders, their Party’s and their friends literally control and do what they like to us.

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Lee Anderson was stripped of the whip yesterday after the Tories had spent the day backing him.

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