I don’t know how I feel about the fact they can openly say things like they’ll raise money by closing loopholes when they know that there’ll be absolutely no scrutiny of that statement. It’s not even gaslighting anymore!

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And as regards drone technology, why is it a good idea to ban mobile phones and social media for under 16s. We need young people to learn how to code etc

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Young people don't learn to program from phone and social media addictions. They learn to become consumerist slaves to large corporations that are given more power over them than their own parents, that can shape their interests, sexualities, and minds from a young age.

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I believe it's 30,000. Though the bigger issue not mentioned is that over 100,000 young people would have to do unpaid work at weekends. The same young people that this government has stripped further education and the chance of retiring

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Either Sunak is a dwarf or the soldier is 7 foot 3 inches tall - which is it? Sorry, but unless it’s war time the U.K. doesn’t like spending money on a standing army. People can’t get dental work done but you can afford to keep young people in uniform? WTF?

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I’m not sure if he’s a person of restricted growth or a man metaphor of Britain’s standing in the world. (Belittled). Will National Service return, if Napoleon Blownafart wins the election? Of bloody course not.

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Maybe it's the next Big Idea of how to get rid of this generation...

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