
If any of my Spanish readers have anything to add, I'd be happy to hear from you ...

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It’s a very closed analysis to say “It’s inconceivable that PP and Vox could try to form a coalition with parties from autonomous regions like Catalonia and the Basque Country. “

I can certainly conceive that horrific outcome.

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Jul 26, 2023Liked by Another Angry Voice

Living in Spain, I would say that outcome is extremely unlikely. Regional parties would have nothing to do with Vox. As AAV correctly states, Vox would make such parties illegal and suppress their languages . Why would they want to get into bed with such an appalling party and act against their own best interests?

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The left is set to face an equal bloc of right-wing MPs keen to reject Sánchez’s bid to remain Spain’s prime minister. Getting Junts to abstain is no longer enough — some of the separatist party’s MPs will now need to vote in the Socialist leader's favor. On Friday ballots from voters living abroad were counted; final results are pending, but it looks like the center-right Popular Party will win a seat allocated to the Socialists.

An electoral repeat is now much more likely. Holding new elections will likely be bad for separatist parties: With the exception of EH Bildu, all other groups of this kind lost seats in last Sunday's vote, and they're likely to lose even more if electors have to go back to the polls in December or January. If preliminary reports are correct, PM Pedro Sánchez's narrow path to remain in Moncloa Palace just got narrower, and Spain is now a lot more likely to go back to the polls in a few months. Teruel has a population of 35,675 in 2014, making it the least populated provincial capital in the country. Parties from long-ignored regions are benefitting from that situation — and setting themselves up to be unlikely kingmakers.


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