I think Starmer has no vain hope that his continued Tory policies will recover the UK from the devastation of the Tories’ 14 years. I think Starmer knows exactly what his policies will achieve and that is his goal. He wants to establish an entrenched, unremovable oligarchy which can occasionally treat the many with some charity if they wish. He knows that this typically leads to the rise of fascism but, to him as to all “centrists”, fascism is a better choice than socialism.

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Let's just say for now - things are getting scary, some people may feel intimidated...

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Jul 6·edited Jul 7

I totally agree with you, but the thing is, their answer to the rise of the Neo Fascist Right is to move the entire Overton Window even further to the Right, until it’s not just the Left that are sidelined but even the so called Soft Left, so you end up with anyone slightly to the left of Thatcher is considered Communist.

The MSM in this country were saying Corbyn’s 2017/19 Manifesto’s were Hard Left Socialist, absolute rubbish they were similar to most Scandinavian and Northern European countries Manifesto’s, but the Political landscape in the UK since 1979 has failed, forcing people to work 4 jobs to make ends meet because of Zero hours contracts along with in Work Benefits paid by the state, because every government since 1979 has marginalised Unions and Workers, by letting bosses pay less in wages.

Then since 2008 when the world Economy was shorted by unscrupulous Bankers, what did we do, we bailed the banks out and in 2010 the Conservative Cameron and Osborne/ Lib Dem Coalition brought in Austerity to pay for the mistakes of the the Bankers who destroyed the economy in 2008, but the already rich continued to be unaffected in fact they are getting ever richer, leaving the already impoverished to pay for their corrupt mess.

And after 14 years of Conservative Government we are left even more impoverished by, Brexit, Childhood Poverty, Record Homelessness, in Work Poverty and a Cost of Living Crisis, but we can still find enough money to fight the UK and American Colonial Wars and then the States Continuity Labour Party take over and promise people no change to their already impoverished circumstances, unless they get growth from nothing but more Privatisation of the economy starting with Wes Streeting promising use none existent Capacity in the Private Healthcare Sector, the reason there is no capacity in the Private Sector, they don’t train their own Doctors and Nurses, they only consist of NHS Doctors and Nurses working Overtime in the Private Sector, Streeting’s other plans include asking the already overworked and and exhausted Staff to work extra hours at evenings and Weekends, also Streeting wants to Privatise more parts of the NHS.

And in the General Election this week Jeremy Corbyn who was thrown out of the Labour Party, stood as an independent winning by a large margin against a Labour candidate who was parachuted in by the Party, who advocated more Privatisation of the NHS and they were genuinely shocked when Corbyn won, despite the fact he has been a much loved Local MP there for over Forty years, not a Party shill!

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If his rise to "power" is a clue to were he is going, then we can see from his mentors in the zionist regime he so admires, that they take no heed of their brain damaged electorate.

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Sore lower referendum? Hope you're enjoying all those Brexit benefits. The red wall voters must be living like royalty right now.

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