Starmers legal expertise and new employment might impose a duty of overseeing the arrest of David Blunkett knowingly hosting event 1 of the ,post office persecutions fabricated evidence localised bribes false instruments and embarrassed counsel 1997 -1999.

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He could do all of that and more but he won't. There was never any intention that he would. His goal is to continue the neoliberal agenda of moving ever more money and power to the few while condemning the many to poverty, deprivation, and oppression. His class of neoliberals are nothing like the liberal capitalists of the 1950s who could see that the working class might revolt if they didn't get some of the rewards of their work. Starmer's class of neoliberals have, as all centrists eventually do, moved to the fascist model - more gouging, more oppression, more forced labour, more draconian laws.

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He can't do anything without the sayso of Aipac, who support him. Not that he would anyway.

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Starmer was a member of the 'invite only' Trilateral Commission (at one point the only UK politician to be a member), the US think tank behind the Neoliberalism that Thatcher introduced to the UK. He's never going to end neoliberalism, the people behind it guided his career

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Thank you for the critical analysis, it’s refreshing in this day and age of propaganda and disinformation.

What you’ve described is a mirror image on Aotearoa’s political trajectory. There’s one or two liberal commentators here who advocate for a progressive economic agenda but maddeningly they’re sympathetic with Israel which makes one wonder if what they preach is genuine and legitimate.

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We need a revolution.

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