The Labour Party is dead. Time to build a worker's party. We don't need two Tory parties.

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Is anyone surprised at what The Tool Makers Son does?

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Sounds like he will fit in well in the Starmer regime.

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If you let him. Make him a symbolic ghoul and a liability, tho', + he's gone.

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From an opposition-building standpoint, this creature's appointment in the first place is itself a damning indictment of Starmer's regime. Therefore, unlike the Sikh landlord, he should be nailed to No. 10's door in effigy every week until he resigns. Starmer should be made to know in every conceivable way that the appointment of such brazen Tory dirtwads will be driven into his feet like buckthorns, no matter how mundane the position or small the ambit they're given.

This is the first real opportunity you have to show Sir Keir that he is neither invincible nor unaccountable, and it won't cost other allies; it might in fact make you some friends in the rail unions. Press it to the hilt.

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What about Wes Streeting`s appointment of his favourite Lord, who has a background in the private medicine scam, and Streeting makes him the top guru in charge of the NHS.

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Well, the question you want to ask yourself is, is it most valuable to you to plaster his mugshot-like face on the Labour right "Rogues' Gallery" ( like you need to do with Athwal and the other "Labour Landlords") when your new left party runs against them; or is it not?

Does he have any political constituency you need + will lose, or will you gain friends by making a mess that only his sacking will fix? Starmer is known to have fewer principles than a screw-worm; anyone you can make a sufficient liability to his party's government he'll rush to cut loose. Weigh the effects accordingly.

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He's a CEO - why would a Labour Party put him in charge of anything? He's a Tory - why would the Labour Party put him in charge of anything? I think we are seeing the real Keir Starmer play out and there is lots more to come.

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Ironic, isn't it? It gives the lie to Starmer's apology to the victims of the Grenfell disaster. There is notand there is unlikely to be democratic accountability in this country anytime soon. Public enquiries are extravagant circuses to distract the masses whilst the corruption business of governing the country continues as usual.

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