I'm so pleased that somebody else (particularly you) is calling them Starmtroopers - as I have been for a couple of years. Frankly the trio of Starmer, Reeves and Streeting is nothing short of poisonous, and they seem to have got Rayner and Cooper into their horrible team. And they, particularly Keef, appear to be able to lie as easily as Johnson, and break promises easier even than Tories. They have all forgotten that had there not been a major conspiracy to get rid of a true Socialist, there could well have been a success in 2019. They are even more offensive than the Conservatives, who have the grace not to pretend they care about anybody but the rich - which appears to be true also of this so-called "Labour" group.

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The Progress mantra, that has been taken up by Starmer's Labour To Win faction, was "perception in everything". Basically reality ceases to matter to them if they tell the same lies often enough.

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Seem to recall another party in recent history was really big on perception at all costs, and may have pioneered the 'big lie'.

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What are we going to do about it? We need to return to a socialist Labour party, which is going to be pretty difficult with strings being pulled, or all the socialists in the UK create the Original Labour Party. Right now, we don't have choices and we're running out of time.

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One word. Starmageddon.

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People are still in denial it seems, we are now being "gaslighted" by Starmfuhrer acolytes, that Labour have never been a "left wing" party, its absolutely bizarre, it's been obvious for a while they no longer represent the Working class they were set up to serve

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I'm pretty sure that's deliberate - they're looking to exploit being the 'Lesser Evil' - counting on their 'core vote' to support them for being 'Not as Bad as the Actual Tories' whilst becoming more Tory and looking to gather swing voters.

It's a bold plan, but ultimately is exactly the kind of betrayal that leaves a party broken and politically irrelevant for a (political) generation.

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Honestly I think this is ... the weird product of First Past The Post politics.

I don't know if we will ever really know how much of the 'popular vote' going to the big two is a 'Not the Other Guy' vote, but there's certainly some.

The problem is there's multiple tiers of enthusiasm in your voters.

There's the ones who are passionate about what you stand for, and turn out to preach and campaign.

There's the ones that believe in your party's ideals generally, and will take the good with the bad.

Both of those will mutually reinforce a bit too, as word of mouth advertising.

And then you've got the last 'tier' of people who will grudgingly vote for you tactically, because it's the way they keep the other guy out.

That last tier is ... subject to very different influences overall. You're relying on them hating the other guy enough to come cast a vote for the second fiddle.

And that's just not a particularly robust measure of support - they might still notionally support, but then fail to turn out on the day, because they don't care that much, and they're not really invested in the outcome anyway.

It seems that Labour has decided to take for granted the previous core vote, and assume they'll vote for the Lesser Evil, whilst they try and cut into the existing Conservative voter base instead.

And ... I think that's an insanely dangerous game to play. Losing your campaigners and active supporters as more and more of them feel disenfranchised and unwelcome, means you _have_ to replace them from the 'new acquisitions'. But if you're nibbling at the edges of another party's core vote, that won't be the most passionate and politically active people at all.

I assume someone's done the political calculus though, and figured that encouraging grass roots support didn't work out for Corbyn, therefore it'll never work, and thus 'lesser evil milquetoast dragnetting' is how to win elections.

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Heartening that Owen Jones has finally made an honest man of himself today and left the Labour Party. He advocates voting Green or Socialist where possible - Starmer won’t get the message until he loses votes.

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If Starmer's faction wants to seize the Labour Party for itself and it's center-right politics, it may well have the money and backing to do so.

But what it cannot be allowed to seize is the left vote; which is what they want to do.

A left party must be formed, not with the expectation of immediately gaining electoral power, but with the purpose of providing a truly "unleashed" vehicle for those who believe in left principles, and would vote with those, to gather within.

Then Starmer and his faction would either have to negotiate with that vehicle and the leverage it would provide, or chance its luck staying center-right.

There are no alternatives that involve the left staying any longer within the Labour coalition that are tenable.

So embrace the break, and let your ideas fight it out with theirs unhindered.

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