If you vote in a fascist election, all you'll get is fascism; serves you right.

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You don't have to vote for the fascists, you can vote for someone else. You should vote though, by not voting for the establishment parties but voting for someone else messes up the establishment far more effectively than not doing anything at all

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Yes in the exit vote (which was democratic) but FPTP elections guarantee minority rule which is the opposite of democracy. By voting you rig your own ballot, by abstaining you keep out of the fascist gutter.

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Women suffered, and some died, to get me the right to vote so I would never abstain. I would spoil my ballot paper if there were no candidate worth voting for. There should be a box for "None of the above" to enable us to register our votes against every branch of the UniParty.

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If you want to honour their memory, boycott this undemocratic farce and campaign for equal votes for all.

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It won't be seen as a boycott. It will be seen as apathy which doesn't honour anyone's memory. You can both use your vote AND campaign to change the system.

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No you can't, as I pointed out above. You play their game and you lose.

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George Galloway's Workers Party of Britain holds to traditional Labour values. If traditional Labour voters vote for the Workers Party and Tory voters vote for Farage's Reform Party and anyone who can't support either votes for an independent who most closely represents their viewpoint we can break this sinister duopoly that seems hellbent on war.

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I didn't support Liarbour in the 60s and 70s because of its corruption. I hope GG and his allies cause a few upsets but FPTP guarantees the victory of the state.

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Good piece AAV. Willl share on my Substack. Here is mine on the "debate" : https://theleftlane2024.substack.com/p/how-the-electoral-duopoly-works-in Alan Story

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Surprised to see you supporting violent attacks of election candidates. Would you treat it as joke if someone did it to you?

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Neil: Are you talking about my piece? Alan

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Hi, Yes, under the title 'We need some lighter news" , a link to Laura K's piece making light of the attack on Farage. I don't think these kind of actions should be encouraged.

I am normally a fan of Laura K's work.

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Neil. I think you are making a mountain out a molehill. It was only a bloody milkshake. Compared to what is happening right now in Gaza?

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Who decides who's worthy of a milkshake attack and who decides what are permissible ingredients? Women's rights activist Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull was attacked with tomato sauce. Was that funny , too? Is she valid target? Are you a valid target? There are sure to be some people who'd think so.


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I, like this local Bristol artist won’t ‘hold my nose’ and vote Starmer. Let’s make this go viral!


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As long as we've only got Zionists to vote for, that's the way it will stay

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There is a 3rd option, especially useful when there is not good minor party/independent candidate. You can go and spoil the ballot, I know it seems a minor difference, but it sends the message "All choices are shit" as opposed to "I don't care" that abstention does, especially as latter will be seen as a good outcome by the establishment.

(Also as an SNP member, it's totally fair to call us minor in context of Westminster election.)

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If only people would read the manifestos of the people standing instead of getting it second and third hand from the media. One wonders if something like the original Labour Party could ever have started in this current political climate where people are too "busy" (apathetic or lazy) to read what each candidate in their constituency stands for.

I'm coming to the conclusion (although I think I'm probably alone in this or just way before the times) that I should vote for the candidate that most closely resembles my ideological stance, whether they have the chance of winning or not. My hope in doing this is that if enough people do it, those who do actually win the election will take note of where their "lost" votes went, thus influencing the politics of the future. It also messes with the media's blinkered focus on there only being a handful of main political parties to be considered.

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Well said, Ben. I hope that, with the choice between the major parties being so dire, more people will be motivated to vote as you suggest on July 4th, with the option of spoiling your ballot paper if there is no candidate worth voting for. Unless people want an authoritarian, warmongering government, hell-bent on privatising the NHS, then they should not vote either Labour or Tory.

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Is there the possibility of enough independent and 'minor' party MPs (not including "Reform" obvs.) to result in some sort of coalition government ? Though obviously that didn't work out well last time.

Are the polls able to reflect the desire for change e.g. George Galloway, and fingers crossed for Andrew Feinstein.

Jeremy Corbyn as PM with Green or SNP deputy?

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Fingers and toes crossed for Andrew Feinstein! I had intended donating to his campaign but it is fully funded already.

Please don't give the SNP any ideas. They have morphed from being the party of independence into a colonial administration. I've been voting for the SNP since the 1970s but I will never vote for them again.

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Thanks Jill.

Unfortunately in my constituency- unless there's a surprise independent on the ballot - the only likely alternative to SNP is a pro-genocide Tory. 🤮

I don't know much about the SNP - as anything in the mainstream news has to be taken with an extremely large pinch of salt - but I'm hearing a lot of dissatisfaction from folk more likely to have an idea what's going on... ?

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Hi Dx. If you don't have an Independent for Independence candidate, or an ISP or Alba candidate, you could join those of us who support spoiling the ballot paper with "End the Union" or "Not my parliament". I'm happy to vote for the Alba candidate in my constituency. He was my SNP MP in the past so I know he'd be fine. The only positive thing to say about the SNP is that they have always wanted to end the slaughter in Gaza. It makes no difference how many SNP MPs we send to Westminster they sit back and do nothing. They are quite happy to settle down and reap the rewards of being part of the system. In Scotland the SNP have nothing to show at all, for the last 10 years with standards falling in all areas. They have reached a new low recently, selling off our assets for a song and welcoming Tory freeports. If we don't kick-start change now then we will see a Unionist government elected to Holyrood in 2026. This is our only chance to prevent that. I recommend Leah Gunn Barrett's Substack, "Dear Scotland" if you want clear, concise articles that won't take too long to read.

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6

Thanks very much for this Jill. The position on Gaza was the thing that positively differentiated them from the other (major) parties. I'd been put off Alba because … Alex Salmond. I'll check out the options in my constituency once the candidate list is finalised.

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That's great, Dx. You might also like to have a look at salvo.scot to learn about Scotland's history, the Claim of Right, and the Scottish Constitution. I feel that any hope of independence in my lifetime lies with Salvo rather than any political party, but we will need politicians too. I hope you will find a candidate your conscience will be willing to vote for but if not you can repurpose your vote as suggested above.

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I won’t vote for either Starmer or Sunak even if everyone else I know in my Conservative leaning constituency votes for one or other of them. The Labour Party is so far from the ideals that it started with it’s unrecognisable but all I hear is we have to get the Tories out.

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Voting for the lesser of two evils ensures that evil always wins. Voting for either of the the two parties ensures the continuation of the two party system.

There is no difference between Starmer and Sunak, now is the time to vote for independent candidates. Vote for the Workers Party of Britain, vote Reform, vote Green, Vote for None Of The Above, vote for anyone but Labour or Tory.

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I hope many of Starmer's constituents will have the sense to vote for Andrew Feinstein. I would like nothing better than to see Keir "Stumer" lose his seat.

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What we need more than anything is hope!

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