You don’t know what Labour will do, why are you so down on them! 👩💙

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Why? Have you not noticed how Keir Starmer has hounded out the grassroots members of the Labour Party, reneged on his pledges that got him elected to leader of the party, has expelled many Jews from the Labour Party claiming they were antisemitic (on the basis that they questioned Israel's actions against the Palestinians), has claimed that Labour are the real conservatives....this is just a small part of why people should be down on Labour. I'm sure if you look through AAV's other posts he will have outlined a far more substantial reasons to be "down on Labour" than my hurried list here.

Anyway, you can always read the Labour manifesto to see what they are promising to do. If they don't do what they said in their manifesto (like "we don't know what Labour will do"), then they would have been lying just to get elected.

I don't know about you, but I hold my elected representatives to a higher standard than that!!

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They also know that if Israel are still genociding Gaza that lots of people won’t vote for Labour…

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I was wondering what July 4th was all about! However without the threat of being perceived as a Starmer supporter (I am definitely not ask my local Labour canvassers) I’d be interested in a more in depth look at current Labour. We know he has taken Zionist money. We know he has taken private health money. We know he has positioned himself as no threat to wealth or the establishment. According to his biographer he does view himself as left wing. He does view himself as primarily wanting to get things done rather than appearing as a campaigner for rights. But I keep thinking that he and his Blairite are trying to avoid Tory money being thrown against him, cause they saw how Kinnock got the bums rush from the electorate and how Blair succeeded, they don’t seem to recognise that Todays electorate is not the same as then. The one thing supporting their viewpoint is the avance of bullshit that 2019 Labour had to deal with and how ridiculously effective were the 3 word Tory mantras.

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Avalanche not avance.

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There's plenty of people who view themselves as left wing, then will moan about and victim blame immigrants, Jews, refugees, the poor and the unemployed.

I think many people support red or blue because its like supporting a football team without knowing anything about football; they support one political side or the other without understanding the manifesto, the ideology or the history of the working class struggle. Starmer is either ignorant or pretends not to understand it.

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May 23·edited May 23

My assumption is that the 1922 Committee told Sunak at the start of the week that he had about a month left as PM and he reacted by ensuring that most of them have 6 weeks left as MPs. It will be Independents Day. For the first time ever there is serious money available to independent Parliamentary candidates and a coalition of groups organising to ensure they have access to quality campaign materials and plenty of feet on the ground. Couple that with a low turnout for the main parties and there will be surprises.

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Lowest turnout forecast? What about the devolved nations???? Not even a mention of the fact that July 4th is likely Scotland's independence day?

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How long does it take to get the 'approved' photo id, is it longer than 6wks, asking for a friend..........

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Apply for a postal vote, to save the hassle!

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I have, my comment was more leaning towards the wait time being over 6 weeks and that could be the reason he's called it on that date.

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Quite possibly, thousands lost their votes in England due to having the wrong ID. A couple were Tory MPs lol

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"that Sunak was ever promoted to Prime Minister after secretly pretending to be a full-time citizen of the United States while he was Chancellor of the Exchequer" 🤡

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