Great comeback, and you're right - Londoners will know better, but it's the general elections that will be harder to tackle. I've already had two Conservative newsletters with spin and lies, which the general public just aren't going to realise. The problem is, backing a strong Labour counter-argument won't work either, because they're wanting the same things as the Conservatives now; i.e. they don't really exist. I hope there are enough alternatives come the election to be able to get enough MPs in that represent the people. When the time comes for them to be named, I intend sending each a questionnaire of the various issues they will stand up and fight for, but I think we're going to need some kind of miracle. If Sunak/Starmer get in, I think the future is over.

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OMG , and I thought the political adverts in the States were ominous gaslighting nightmares…

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Do you have a link to the video? Where are they sharing it?

It's a great takedown btw, but many people's algorithm's on my feed block your site so I'd like to share the takedown

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I've found it on their FB site

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Excellent post. The Electoral Commission is no longer independent, so no hope that they will act on this web of lies. Nor, I guess, that Starmer will call it out. It’s part of the systematic undermining of our democracy by the Government. Let’s hope that the growing number of independents can coalesce to provide an alternative narrative.

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London is of course one of the crime capitals of the world. It’s not crime on the streets, though, but in the gilded palaces where the ultra-wealthy launder their dirty money.

"Russian oligarchs and companies have been investing in London for two decades, encouraged by British politicians of all stripes, but critics say the 'London laundromat' cleans dirty money from Russia and across the globe.” - FT 22 April 2022.

Chatham House, the New York Times, The Economist among others have identified London and the USA at the dirty money centres of the world, notably protecting the hidden riches stolen by kleptocratic dictators around the world.

Lots more illegal behaviour in high places, from corruption to support for genocide. But the UK establishment and political parties don’t want you to worry your head about that kind of crime.

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The Ulez blade runners think they're in a film. They are in fact ridiculous. https://jowaller.substack.com/p/clearly-im-not-the-one-experiencing

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Who on earth made this load of seditious rubbish and where is it being shown? Is it legal to tell this many lies in such a short space of time?

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It’s awful, and I can’t see how they can get away with it. Is it actually published in the name of The Conservative Party anywhere or are they not admitting it?

The problem is that if anyone tries to stop this disinformation video, it will find its way around all the faster as the target audience (conspiracy theorists and populism lemmings) will believe that someone is trying to keep “the truth” from them 🙄.

No publicity is bad publicity, unfortunately.

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Didn’t they include a stampede from a tube station that was actually footage from New York?

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may I quote your de bunking facts, I will make sure I challenge any mail reading farmers ( and believe me there are many of them) out here in Cornwall

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Simple poster:




Make a million of them, plaster them everywhere.

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I don't want to “hate” anyone. The Tories make it so hard. They truly are loathsome.

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I hope Sadiq can sue the bustards who put this shite together. It's also deeply alarming narrated by an American; only slightly less so than if it had been narrated by a Russian.

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