Even this is still restrictive.

There can be no UK "Notified Bodies" - organisations that set themselves up as approved test-houses for certain aspects of CE compliance - they must be in an EU country.

(or, for that matter, accrediting bodies that approve the notified bodies in the first place)

Also there *were* UK-based businesses that made their business out of specialised areas of compliance-testing, such as electromagnetic-compatability - these lost that work overnight.

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Another “win” for common sense over pointless Brexitism, yet another omnishambles being slowly picked apart due to common sense prevailing. What did we do to deserve this weapon grade stupidity in the first place?

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It seems whenever there is something to enact which will benefit or improve life in the UK, the government will do the opposite,.

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Somehow remainers were never able to convince the public that EU bureaucracy reduces more red tape than it creates ... introducing the same bureaucracy for n countries means, in a first approximation, to reduce overall bureaucracy by a factor of n

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by Another Angry Voice

This one has really got to me, at this point what is their argument for being outside the single market and customs union if we’re going to follow all their rules anyway. And if we are going to follow all the EU’s rules we may as well have stayed and had some say in those rules!

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Yep. Fair point.

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That's OK. All the major brands in the country have already had to spend millions to create additional UK only packaging to include the UKCA mark. So job done.

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