There’s only one reaction to that AAV: OFFS 🙄

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Culture war to distract from the 13 year class war they've waged.

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It is valuable that you keep these lists ... just wondering why not more people are pushing back against this. I dont think that the culture wars explain it all. Maybe it has also to do with there not being a coherent alternative. Certainly Labor does not seem to have one.

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First Past the Post is the disease, and this is just a symptom. Unfortunately to 'win' in FPTP you need to be just enough 'not as bad as the other guy' to scoop up all the tactical votes, whilst also holding on to the 'natural' base votes - which takes minimal effort, just as long as you remain the only 'not the other guy' party. (Technically you might see a 'swing' as another party move into a stronger position, but it's not happened in 100 years, so ...)

As soon as someone realises that FPTP isn't about majority votes, it's about largest minority... then you start to see that whilst you can try and fine - and appeal to - the largest minority to win, it actually ends up being more effective to _manufacture_ a minority, and the easiest way by far is via hate.

It's very easy to demonise an 'outgroup' and try and create a large minority of people who think you might have a point. Doesn't require full on 'hate' either, just enough suspicion and distrust that Something Must Be Done.

Doesn't actually matter what that 'out group' is - in many ways it's irrelevant, because any demographic made up of 'people' will have some members who aren't very nice, and you can use them as exemplars for why your policies are justified.

There's a word for that though. It's not a nice word. It's been tried before - and it worked before. That's why we need to be so very cautious of anyone who tries to rally us by 'othering' .... any group of people at all.

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I find it intensely frustrating that the trans community are 'just' collateral damage.

I mean, in the nicest possible way - they're irrelevant. There's just so few of them, that they will never have a significant impact on the lives of most people. Regardless of which toilet they're using - people use the 'wrong' toilets all the time, and the world doesn't end, and pretty much every house in the UK as unisex toilet facilities.

There's _just enough_ people in the demographic for people to have maybe encountered it, and maybe seen a news story of one of the 'not so nice people' that are present in _every_ demographic .

Makes great talking points, dead cat politics, and concern trolling.

But in the grand scheme of things - if literally every person who was transitioning in the UK was treated as a 'special case' that still wouldn't be much effort at all. And that's not necessary, and it never was - they're 'just' normal people, trying to live a life peacefully and with kindness.

And as said - yes, a few 'not so nice' people, who are great for whipping up ire and outrage against what is _demonstrably_ a vulnerable minority.

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Hi Ed,

Please post you address here, and the location of your front door key, so that members of the public, of either sex, can use your toilet if we're caught short in your neighbourhood. Thanks.

Trans-identifying people have the same rights as everyone else. That doesn't include the right of any man who says he is a woman to invade women's protected, sex-segregated spaces. Sex is a protected characteristic under the 2010 Equality Act. This gives women the right to safety, privacy and dignity.

In what way are people transitioning a "vulnerable minority"? It is much safer to be "trans" than to be a woman in our society.

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Please post your address so that I don’t inadvertently go anywhere near someone so ignorant.

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Avoid Wales :)

What am I ignorant about? I know that safeguarding for vulnerable people in vitally important.

Do you know which are the protected characteristics in the 2010 Equality Act? https://www.equalityhumanrights.com/en/equality-act/protected-characteristics

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Fine for disabled toilets to be gender free then?

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Women and children's safety and women' sex-based rights and protections are not secondary, contrary to what much of the Left, including now, sadly, AAV, appears to believe. The Starmer Party has belatedly realised that throwing women under a bus is an electoral gift to the Tories.

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What do you do if you want to go to the toilet on a train? You go to the toilet! Same on a plane, coach small cafe, and at home ( unless of course you have gendered toilets at your house, maybe you do!)

It’s a stupid manufactured distraction from the real issues. Don’t fall for it.

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Do you not understand what shared , multiple occupancy public toilets facilities are and that most women and girls don't want to share them with men?

What does it say about you that you think that women and girls' legal right to safety, dignity and privacy is an irrelevant distraction and not a real issue. Misogynist?

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Do you not understand what non- gendered facilities are? So I’m a female misogynist. Obviously it takes a man to explain that to me 🙄

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Women can internalise misogyny and prioritise men's interests over women's. 'Non-gendered facilities" are mixed sex.

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So when you are on a train and you need to use the toilet what toilet do you use? The toilet.

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It's mind-boggling that anyone can think that sharing a single toilet in their house with people they know (men and women) is equivalent to sharing public toilets /sinks/urinals etc with strangers of both sexes. It is usually women'a formerly sex-segregated toilets that are opened up ti both sexes while men's remains single sex.

If men supposedly present no safeguarding risk to women and girls why can't trans "women" use the men's toilet?

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You talk about men as though they are monsters by the way. I’ve never found that to be the case with the vast majority of men.

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Men as a sex class are a known safeguarding threat to women. "Transition" does not change men's offending patterns. Safeguarding protects women and children from a minority of men.

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Substack have now suggested AAV will put occasional updates behind the paywall and are pushing a 20% reduced subscription offer. 🤷🏽‍♂️

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