Will vote Green, for what it's worth. I suspect not a lot in the short term but we shall see.

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If enough voters vote Green or for the better solutions, maybe that'll move the 'different=same'' parties to adopt better policies out of fear of losing votes?

That's what I'm counting on here in the States where the same policies in the 'different=same'' parties. Universe knows the primaries clued in the D that a lot of voters weren't planning on voting for D's same ole same, however this had no affect this time. The Genocide money is too delicious and much.

I think that's called attempting to move the Overton Window. Universe knows the media shoved it as far right as it could. Letting the 'Chosen' and their masters know that voters would vote for someone else has been proven to have an affect on the Chosen's campaign promises in the past. Though today in most cases they fail to follow through, but in a few cases they did some of the adopted promises and stopped printing money, though the working class paid for that in a harsh way (austerity, neoliberal policies). I suppose that was to take advantage of the voters, claiming thats how to get what voters wanted.

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I'm so glad you can see how compromised your "left" is. Here in the US people think Biden, a wealthy, white man, who owns at least 2 mansions, and who's been implementing many of Trump's policies is the good guy🤣 The US is getting blue flavored fascism or red flavor fascism. All governments are authoritarian. The "rights" you thought you had were merely concessions. Concessions can and will be taken away.

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They aren't the left though, Starmer is as right wing as they come and he has and is expelling any left leaning members/mp's. He is actively blocking left wing candidates voted for by local Labour parties and parachuting in his own right wing allies. Labour is a right wing party now

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I've noticed. Our "left" is so far to the right they don't even exist as an opposition party anymore. We're in this nightmare together🫂

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Starmer was the only UK politician who was a member of the 'invite only' Trilateral Commission, the shady think tank that dreamt up the Neoliberal pyramid scam then funded politicians around the world to push it as economic policy around the world so it's no surprise at all that he is still going to force that scam on us

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UK and USA going down in a blaze of false glory. The elections coming just make pause! How much longer to the people realize they are being flim flammed from a global perspective.

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I will vote, but I am also aware it’s practically pointless. I have a personal agenda that an MP who’s had my vote might be able to help with though.. otherwise I might just as well go and milkshake some of the visitors to the Daily Mail office instead.

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As a disabled and chronically ill person who is unable to work, the lack of difference between Labour and the tories is also really alarming. Both seem to think they can starve and punish people who are unable to work into working, and neither show any interest in reducing the climbing number of disabled people by controlling covid, because they'd rather pretend covid is over. It isn't; 6 wards in my local hospital have covid outbreaks right now.

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