What a cringe interview! Sky News is such a joke along with the rest of MSM. Great post!

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@TomLarkinSky doesn't get out much, or watch many public news interviews, does he.

This has been the tenor of public news interviews since the EU Ref, in 2016. Perhaps, before that. The Scottish Indy Ref, in 2014?

College Green isn't the ideal place to hold MSM interviews, in full view of the public.

I remember... ...and I'm sure Tom does, as well!

The evening, the result of the EU result was announced, I can remember two or three thousand people converging on Jon Snow and Anna Soubry, during - what was until then - a routine interview. There was some consternation, but, as transpired, no trouble.

Sky News need to 'get over themselves'!

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I too have no respect for the unelected PM

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Hmm, Tom Larkin? Surely, no relation to 'Big Jim', I hope?

He'll be turning in his grave, if he is.

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brilliant piece thank you

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This fish rots from the head and every single system of the British state is narcisstic and gaslighting. The courts are case in point - fully an arena of injustice - using mental acrobatics to keep the status quo and defend the government at all costs. The whole thing is rotten. And now the police - so far quite good during protests - are picking up the stench of rot as they behave like brownshirts at the whim and command of their imperial, neoliberal, charlatan masters.

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Poor old Sam Coates being put to the sword by Gorgeous George, wonderful telly, will he ever get over it or are his days as a `cough` "reporter" over. Lets face it George is not every ones cup of tea, but in these days of fascist TV channels, newspapers and government propagandists masquerading as reporters we need more like George that are not scared to speak truth to power. Mind you I bet swearing an oath to C3 will make him want to vomit, it certainly would me. Would I vote for George YES I WOULD.

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Just a little point. Galloway missed the chance to point out the democratic'deficit of Sunak being an unelected PM, therefore having little credibility on that basis alone.

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A cringeworthy interview, yes. But I just wanted to question your use of the word "narcissistic" in the title. It's an over- used word (since Trump's presidency) and pertains to exaggerated feelings of self-importance, an excessive need for admiration and a diminished ability to empathise with other people's feelings. I don't really see what the title of your piece means and how it relates to the events you comment on. A. Pedant

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What an excellent piece I’m so glad you’re calling out these appalling journalistic standards. It’s a pity these people aren’t supporting their colleague Assange instead of spreading Tory BS. I’m sick of them

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