Is it actually legal to incite violence/murder against another person?

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It is illegal to incite or threaten to kill.

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One law for them, another for us.

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And plastered on a newspaper to boot!

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Hodges must have been a huge disappointment to his mother the late Glenda Jackson! A truly idiotic person with real hatred in his bones

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Great article and Dan Hodges is a vile piece of work - his late mother Glenda Jackson would be ashamed of him. btw just one thing, the MSP is PAUL [not John] Sweeney.

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clrearly Starmer suffers from inteegrititis - a total lack of integrity. I will never vote Labour again till he is deposed.

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And so there we have it. You can have the tories with whichever bigoted, racist at the helm and throughout the party or you can have liebour with a bigoted racist at the helm and a fair few throughout the party! LibDem are as useless as always and Greens are imploding, the only real parties making any sense to the electorate, unfortunately, are the extreme right! This GE is looking less appetising by the day!

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Another great article. I try to follow as much independent media as I can. But it’s hard as a pensioner to buy subscriptions to everything and afford the cost of living.

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