
I decided not to include my usual article footer which asks people to subscribe to the AAV Substack.

Rather than setting up a paid subscription to my work, please consider donating to help support the relief effort for Palestinian civilians, which has been severely impacted by countries like the US and UK deciding to assist Israel's genocidal blockade of food, water, and medical supplies by cutting off funding to UNWRA.

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Funny how Jewish people were quite happy for the Hague to spend millions of European money, as well as UK/US funds, chasing down war criminals after WWII but now they do not see it as legitimate?

Loving the way any criticism of Israel in the UK now will brand that person or organisation as anti Semitic rather than look at the facts.

I've said it before and I'll keep saying it; of all the nations in the world you would think that Israel and the Jewish people would understand the trauma that they are causing not inflict the same atrocities on others that were inflicted on them.

But as usual the world sits back and watches with the occasional hollow words bandied about for good measure.

I've been banned from Facebook for having an opinion on Israel, well they actually came up with another tenuous excuse but this is just more proof that Israel have their bloodied claws in everything!

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It’s now Jewish people as a whole, it’s Zionists. Many Jews oppose Israel and support Palestine 🇵🇸

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The zionist entity that occupies Palestine has always felt itself to be above international law. I have lost count of the number of UN resolutions passed against them, it ignored. The ethnic cleansing of the Gaza Strip is only the final step in their theft of the whole country. They have no shame, no decency and no morals. At last people seem to be waking up to their solipsistic evil.

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They are all changing their course of action, the EU, UK, and US which have all called for a two states solution, are already changing their stand regarding the need for a permanent ceasefire.

The israeli Pandora box which had been kept closed and hidden from site, is now wide open.

Every politician around the world, knows that its complicity in Genocide, will see him or her, to be convicted of the crime of complicity in Genocide.

That is reason why they are now scrambling to come out with some sort of ceasefire resolution through the security council .

The US will have to hider vote for, or abstain from the voting or else, it will find it self complicit in Genocide.

For what concerns the illegal establish of settlements, israel has already lost.

And as companies and investors of the land grab/ settlement illegal operation, are now dumping their stocks and running to hide under the biggest rocks they can find, the next thing we will witness, is the completate financial collapse of the apartheid wannabe state.

One more comment, keep up the hope because humanity needs it now more than ever before.

Here an interesting article which explains what is at the root of the problem regarding the so called two states solution



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Sol, quick reply (I haven’t read your link yet, but Middle East Monitor is a very reliable source.) My view, which is shared by very many (perhaps most) Palestinians want ONE state, from the river to the sea, with equal rights for all its inhabitants. That’s what the call of ‘from the river to the sea’ means. It’s to offensive, or antisemitic at all - but it means that the occupiers of Palestine won’t be able to mistreat Palestinians in the way that they have been doing.

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Yes Jacqueline , the vision is that of people coexisting and abiding to a common law, which sees all being equal.

To get there is the main point o the issue.

Countries have reformed their laws and religious rituals in order to evolve and conforme with the modern times.

In my opinion that is what needs to be done before any feasible and real solution can be achieved.

A supremacist ideology does no longer suit the way of leaving of today.

Apartheid can not exist!

Hateful and supremacists messages or indoctrination to such, is malignant and we can all see what it produces, “apartheid, Genocide and ethnic cleansing” all atrocious insanity, forbidden not only by the International Court of Justice, but by every countries own laws and military courts.

Legally, it is already so that the US which vetoed today the third or forth resolution asking for a ceasefire, is now officially complicit in the Genocide which as already taken place, plus any more deaths which will result from its veto to a resolution which could have stoped it all.

Now, there is no way to look around it, even if they would disarm the zionist regime tomorrow, the guilt of the Biden administration is now definite. Genocide joe as forever stained with blood books of history, and his memories, well …..

This so called Modern Zionism which wants to dispossess and murder people, must be redefined in the vocabulary as a form of extremist terrorism and criminalized.

It is otherwise impossible, to have one humble people, “the Palestinians” living divide and surrounded by robber and killers which steals and destroys their property, and terrorizes them for sport.

The entire concept of zionism is in 2024 a Genocidal abomination which must be dismantled.

Palestinians need help in the form of an international military police force which can protect and help civilians which as I am typing, are being starved to death, shot at and bombed not just while in their homes, in supposed refugee camps, and allegedly guaranteed safe zone, but also in the hospitals.

Some times ago a war and armed conflicts analyst asked, is there any warcrime which the zionist junta as not committed?

People need to step up their action, support the movement to end apartheid, and file lawsuits for defamation, hate speeches and incitement to commit criminal acts “including genocide “, for every public figure which endorses Genocide.

it should be obvious by now that, as they don’t want to go, we must ourself get those hate mongers and genocidal maniacs kicked from public office.

I will post some update on the situation quite soon.

If what I wrote makes sense to you and, if you can survive my typo, visit my page to read more on the topic.


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Sol, I completely agree with you. Zionism, like all forms of discrimination is evil. I saw a video clip, fortunately censored, of a piece of zionist scum urinating in a dead Palestinian man after kicking him, Normally, I would say that sub-human creatures like the zionist and his fellows should go to Hell, but I think that even Satan would be disgusted by them. The only good thing to have come out of the slaughter of our brothers and sisters in Palestine is that the world can see, at last, just how evil the zionist entity is. They tried to ban journalists and kill all the Palestinian journalists, but news is still getting out, thank goodness. I have never heard of ‘Modern Zionism’, but to be honest,all forms of zionism are evil because, as you say, they are based on a supremacist ideology. These days, it is very, very difficult to remain on the side of the zionist aggressors. Even our Prince of Wales (King Charles’ son) has said that the fighting in Gaza must stop. The difficult thing is that ordinary people all over the world are marching in solidarity with the Palestinian people, writing to their elected representatives, signing petitions, boycotting, but the forces of evil will not give up easily. Still, all of the action is hurting the occupiers, which is good. For the first time in my life, I feel optimistic that we may see some kind of proper freedom in Palestine.

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P.S. I didn’t see any typos in your post!

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Agreed. Pretty much like the British Government.

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So they want all the Nazi rulings, from World War 2, overturned and are saying genocide is actually OK?

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I wrote a piece about all sorts of ways Israel is lawless and a totally illegitimate entity: https://palestinewillbefree.substack.com/p/israel-needs-a-humanitarian-intervention

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