I find myself concerned about nefarious links. The return of the Tate There-you-are-then brothers to US, negotiated by people at the top; links to Epstein/Musk/Trump/Andrew/Mandelsohn/Starmer (as CPS)..

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Don't be..Andrew Tate has no bearing on Ukraine nor trade tariffs.He is mood music for the neo con culture warriors.The test for Starmer is when Trump rolls over for Putin in not supplying air cover to European defence forces along the revised borders of an occupied Ukraine.

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I recognise the name Archangel, then I read what you wrote. Everything came flooding back to me. Especially the bit where you wrote " provide cover for defensive forces" that's when I started laughing out loud. Should I even this conversation up with proveable facts? You can't convince everyone so easily Mr or Mrs Archangel. With your little nuggets of bullshit. You've been well versed I'm well aware of that in your techniques. You'll soon come across many like myself. Who can see straight through you & your " defensive forces" bullshit. Answer me this, Are they going to defend the Ukrainians in Donbass who speak Russian as their 1st language? Odessa 2014 Union building. Remember it? I do.

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Spot on as usual. Indeed, the gut wrenching spectacle of Mandelson and Scab Starmer capitulating to this fascist autocrat and thug, and preparing to take his side in a trade war against Europe, is as gut wrenching as is Starmer's abject betrayal of Ukraine, of Denmark and Sweden, and refusal to recognise that Musk and Trump are enabling fascist coups in almost every European country including the UK. This level of appeasement worthy of the Imperial Policy Group and Neville Chamberlain vis Spain in 1936 and Czechoslovakia in 1938 indicates the level of depravity to which the leadership of Counterfeit Labour has stooped since they hi-jacked the party on the back of the psychological warfare offensive against Jeremy Corbyn that delivered the most corrupt and venal government (so far) in modern British history. It also makes one wonder just what the Deep Establishment have on Messrs Mandelson and Starmer regarding the cover up and protection of Granvile Janner , Jimmy Savile and Cyril Smith, associations with Jeffrey Epstein and (by association) to Robert Maxwell, Russian Oligarchs and Trump himself, going back as early as 1987. The fact that the misogynist scum that are the brothers Tate have been magically acquitted in Romania and offered sanctuary in Trump's fascist state reminds us of a very likely recent past in which Starmer and his stinking Right wing Thatcherite entourage were taken to one side, after the election, and both told what would have happened if Jeremy had won and reminded of the skeleton's in his own cupboard. Human right lawyer my Irish arse. LABOUR IN - STARMER OUT!

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It was a pathetic cringe fest seeing Starmer grovelling. I wonder how many times he rehearsed the apparent affectionate pat on Trump's arm, that he did several times?

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It's all extremely, embarrassingly destructive.

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It's not Munich 1938 because Britain is too integrated into the slipstream of the global economy not hiding behind imperial preferences/pretences.We stand or fall in a united Europe and wider peaceable non American coalition. Starmer needs to buy time so a craven display of servitude was rehearsed.

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Not my Prime Minister. Not my King. Neither are welcome here.

And Janey Godley was right in her assessment of Trump.

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You would of thought Starmers script writers might have gave him more than what he was repeating over & over again "Our unbreakable bond gives us power & prosperity" Where's the prosperity in the UK??? don't answer that I know who the 0.001% are. Unbreakable bond but my genius foreign minister was labelling you Mr President as a member of the Ku Klux Klan less than 6 months ago. I also tried to send a team of 100 brain washed shit heads to advice the opposition how to stop your re election Mr President. Did Mr Vance mention freedom of speach in the UK? I love freedom of speach, everyone in the UK has freedom of speach except the white ethnic Anglo Saxons. Who don't agree with my draconian corrupt ways. They're all far right Facists even the left wing socialists among them. If anyone disagrees with any member of the British establishment or media about the conflict in Ukraine. They might get life in jail as they're obviously Putin apologists or Kremlin spies. Remember there's no Nazis in Ukraine either despite all of the statues national holidays & celebrations on Facists birthdays. You're definitely nit allowed to say those things because that's not freedom of speach is it??? Can anyone tell me why our tax payers money is going to the most corrupt country in Europe unaudited? Just asking for a friend call Vladimir

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Yep! Never grovel to a narcissist - they despise you for it.

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Smacks of 'Appeasement'

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It has to continue ukraine as there's too much to lose for the bank as they can't wean themselves off dick sucking!

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That's all the politicians in the west have been trained to do. Everyone with an iota of independent thought or will has been selected out of the government. Of course a person like Trump is going to steamroller over this group of grocery clerks, they've already been trained in obedience by the system. Not a one of them calls the shots in their own country.

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If anybody expected anything of Starmer apart from scripted comments, they were doomed to disappointment. The man hasn't got an original thought in his head.

No charm, and less dignity. Blinded by power - and in this case, someone else's.

Who wouldn't he kill to be President of the US of A?

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It’s it’s humiliating and embarrassing and Trump is disgusting and I can’t believe that we aren’t doing what the rest of the world is doing and standing up to him

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It takes a bully to know a bully. Starmer's treatment of his membership has been a disgrace, leading to thousands quitting the party!

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I take it only paid members can register comments?

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It takes a b ully to know a bully. Starmer's treatment of his membership has been a disgrace, leading thousands to quit.

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