All part of slowly culling people at home and abroad in Palestine Yemen and Ukraine v russia. People have lost their humanity because they have been manipulated and brainwashed to hate the poor so think they are superior because of wealth or having a job. Austerity appeals to he greedy. It’s depressing.

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The above is an illogical death wail of an obsessive.

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Your response is not logical. War in the Middle East has potential for blooming into the global conflict we all know to fear. I think ‘Friends of Israel’ when I see your comment, which is an extension of the Israeli government. Expand on a ‘death wail’ pls, and are these limited to obsessives, or do they reflect on voices unheard & are essentially politically neutral - I.e. can emanate from anywhere?

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Hi Mr. Knees,

Tom's article is, as always, just a whinge about the unfairness laid on JC and nothing more. It reminds me of my kids when they were young, with all the 'it's not fair' and 'it's not my fault' - it's just so pointless, just negative obsessive nostalgia. It's the 'death wail' of political debate that, to everyone else, was concluded five years ago.

If Tom wanted to make a difference, he should stop lamenting the past and stop blaming others in a conspiracy-based bollocks. Instead, he should pick a CURRENT politician and promote them. He should make a positive case for his beliefs rather than blaming/attacking others.

Have a look back at Tom's past catalogue - its all the same

I hope your Knees are better, it comes to us all!

All the best Sam

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So, what you’re responding to became pointless five years ago? That’s obviously why you’re still here isn’t it.. your tone is not conducive to picking up subscribers, rather condescending and making facile suggestions, so I wonder why you’re here? Perhaps just a retired middling person with delusions of insight. Your political views are about as insightful as your orthopaedic ones.

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"Your political views are about as insightful as your orthopedic ones." - Nice, made me smile.

Why am I here - About 5 years ago, around the election, I decided that I was becoming too entrenched in what I was reading - far too much of the Economist and no exposure to the JC arguments. So I joined lots of hard left and hard right groups on Facebook and got myself on all the political mailing lists I could. 5 years later I have dropped most, especially the hard right groups, as they were basically vacuous. I still follow Tom as occasionally I get into some interesting chats and it's a good insight into some of the more bonkers left. Plus, I enjoy it.

And finally, I don't think I have 'delusions of insight' in pointing out that JC is yesterday's man, well, to be honest, more like '70s Man than yesterday's Man. I think it would be difficult to argue that he has any significant impact at all now. Move on, find someone else, JC is a dead duck.

I hope that answers your question?

All the Best

Sam Genu Kendrick

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I see the Cult of Magic Grandpa is still lurching on like a decomposing zombie

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