Sitemap - 2024 - Another Angry Voice

Keir Starmer's handouts hypocrisy

Starmer should heed Gordon Brown's warning and stop appeasing the extreme-right

Keir Starmer is such a shit liar

Coconut Trial: Not Guilty

"No legal requirement to do one"

Keir Starmer's quack doctor "miracle cures"

The forgotten victims of September 11th

Another depraved Starmer loyalty test

The witch-hunting bully Keir Starmer appointed as Labour's rail minister

Keir Starmer's slumlord MP

Starmer's performative politics

Why is Keir Starmer sucking up to the French election thief?

12 things you should know about Starmer's "Things Will Get Worse" speech

Keir Starmer promised to stop the energy price cap going up

The child sex abuser who chanted "save our kids"

Why are the BBC stoking culture war grievances?

Britain's diabolical multi-tier justice system

Community solidarity is beating the extreme-right, not Keir Starmer

Britain's outrageous two-tier justice system

Labour have been playing with fire

Rachel Reeves' pyramid of economic deception

The permanent austerity doom loop

An unexpected win for the French left

Starmer needs to heed the warning signs from France

How long before PM by-default Starmer becomes deeply unpopular?

This wasn't a triumph for Starmerism, it was a Tory implosion

Is the duopoly finally breaking?

We all know what he is

Keir Starmer will win, but he's already on very thin ice

Emmanuel Macron's temper tantrum has backfired spectacularly

Keir Starmer actually said something that's true!

Young Tories sing along and dance to Nazi marching song

Actions speak louder than words

Two shades of "more of the same"

Keir Starmer's already plotting to stuff the Lords with his lackeys

She ain't no Windrush hero

Who is going to hold this lying wannabe tyrant to account?

The election bet and the Tory culture of corruption

French politics is in chaos

How Starmer's goons wasted £2.4 million

The despair is deliberate

It's a stitch up

Rachel Reeves is lying through her teeth about austerity

Rishi Sunak's crap-headed conscription plan

The election is on, but why now?

Why is Starmer turning Labour into a dustbin for Tory trash

What did we learn from the 2024 local election results?

Reasons to be sceptical of Labour's rail plan

Horse abuse and the far-right

Deconstructing Liz Truss's bonkers Brexit word salad

Israel is a terrorist state

David Cameron exposes Britain's hypocrisy

Why are they allowed to get away with it?

Why is Keir Starmer fostering economic illiteracy?

Reasons to be sceptical of Starmer's latest promises

The Westminster love affair with polluting water profiteers

The insanely dishonest Tory attack ad

Rishi Sunak is talking bollocks about nuclear power

Labour face legal action over internal vote rigging

Have Labour really got nothing else to rage about?

How dare Owen Jones do what we told him to!

David Cameron admits Israel is committing war crimes

Why do Starmtroopers insist on rewriting history?

What the hell is Rachel Reeves on about now?

How long is it acceptable to talk about calls for an MP to be killed?

The Tories want the Gaza genocide to continue because it's damaging to Labour

Labour don't even mention Diane Abbott as they try to monetise her abuse

Lindsay Hoyle's excuses for ignoring Diane Abbott are beyond ridiculous

What should be done with the £10 million?

£430 million for a step-counter app!

What is this "extremism" the Tories are on about?

Where's the sense of perspective?

You don't say!

Keir Starmer's International Women's Day hypocrisy

When will this economic illiteracy ever stop?

Handouts for the rich, small change for the majority, and stealth tax for us all

Labour's infuriating economic illiteracy

GB News: The £76 million propaganda factory

No, Keir Starmer isn't having a good Gaza genocide

US aid drops for Gaza are just a sick PR stunt

Where do we find the truth amongst all the lies?

Why are senior Tories citing an Islamophobic Labour conspiracy theory as fact?

Why are the British press so dreadfully narcissistic?

The sinister ramblings of a desperate lunatic

What does George Galloway's Rochdale win mean?

Labour's "Tough choices"

Why was Lee Anderson the only one punished for stoking Islamophobia?

Why do the right suddenly care so much about foreign state takeovers?

The Relentless Bombardment of Bullshit

Israel wants to force Orthodox Jews to participate in occupation and genocide

The British establishment is rotten with Islamophobia

Keir Starmer's "Patriotic Economy" is meaningless

Facebook has wrecked its own product

The audacity

What is Sunak going to do about the dangerous extremism in the Tory ranks?

They triggered an Islamophobic panic to save their own skins

UK and US genocide complicity is allowing China to take the humanitarian high ground

Labour's Excuses: Disgusting, Deceptive, and Dangerous

Israel tells its soldiers to stop filming themselves looting and carrying out revenge attacks

Keir Starmer and Lindsay Hoyle colluded to turn the Gaza ceasefire vote into a farce

Israel is a lawless rogue state

Why is Keir Starmer so desperate to topple the Scottish government?

Why did Keir Starmer lavish praise on an Islamophobic radical-right bigot?

Britain's hidden recession

What Aletha Adu's "apology" tells us about The Guardian

Meet the economic vandals who caused the recession

Is the Guardian dying?

Could George Galloway win the Rochdale by-election?

Why is Keir Starmer spreading economic illiteracy?